
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • noun A rectangular steel or iron frame into which pages or columns of type are locked for printing or plate making.
  • noun A groove cut in an object; a slot.
  • noun A trench or channel for drainpipes or wiring.
  • noun The part of a gun in front of the trunnions.
  • noun The cavity of a mold.
  • transitive verb To groove; indent.
  • transitive verb To cut (the thread of a screw).
  • transitive verb To decorate (metal) by engraving or embossing.
  • intransitive verb To follow rapidly in order to catch or overtake; pursue.
  • intransitive verb To follow (game) in order to capture or kill; hunt.
  • intransitive verb To seek the favor or company of persistently.
  • intransitive verb To put to flight; drive.
  • intransitive verb To cause (an opposing pitcher) to be removed from a game by batting well.
  • intransitive verb To swing at and miss (a pitch, especially one out of the strike zone).
  • intransitive verb To go or follow in pursuit.
  • intransitive verb Informal To go hurriedly; rush.
  • noun The act of chasing; pursuit.
  • noun The hunting of game.
  • noun Something that is hunted or pursued; quarry.
  • noun A privately owned, unenclosed game preserve.
  • noun The right to hunt or keep game on the land of others.
  • idiom (chase (one's) tail) To exert oneself vigorously but ineffectually.
  • idiom (give chase) To engage in pursuit of quarry.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • To decorate (metal-work, especially work in the precious metals) by tooling of any kind on the exterior.
  • To cut so as to make into a screw; cut, as the thread of a screw.
  • To pursue for the purpose of capturing or killing, as game; hunt.
  • To pursue for any purpose; follow earnestly, especially with hostile intent; drive off by pursuing: as, to chase an enemy.
  • To pursue; continue.
  • To pursue; follow in pursuit.
  • Specifically Of a hunting-dog, to leave a point for the purpose of pursuing the game. To move briskly or steadily along; hasten: as, the dog kept chasing ahead of us.
  • To push the bottle toward one and thus call upon him to fill up his glass.
  • To exceed a given customary standard of production.
  • noun Pursuit for the purpose of obtaining, capturing, or killing; specifically, hunting: as, to be fond of the chase; beasts of the chase.
  • noun Pursuit, as of one's desires; eager efforts to attain or obtain: as, the chase of pleasure, profit, fame, etc.
  • noun That which is pursued or hunted
  • noun A vessel pursued by another: as, the chase outsailed us.
  • noun The body of men pursuing game.
  • noun An open piece of ground or other place reserved for animals to be hunted as game, and belonging to a private proprietor: properly differing from a forest, in that the latter is not private property and is invested with privileges, and from a park, in that the latter is inclosed.
  • noun In the game of tennis, the spot where a ball falls, beyond which an opponent must strike his ball or lose a point.
  • noun In old English law, a franchise authorizing a subject to whom it was granted to hunt
  • noun The conical apex of a spinning-machine cop or bobbin, or the extent of the traverse of the winding-faller wire on a spinning-mule. Sometimes called the nose.
  • noun In carpentry, a score or shallow cut in a mortise.
  • noun In printing, a square and open framework of iron, in which forms of type are secured by furniture and quoins for moving and for working on the press.
  • noun The part of a gun between the trunnions and the swell of the muzzle, or, in modern guns in which the muzzle has no swell, the whole of that part of the gun which is in front of the trunnions.
  • noun A groove cut in any object: as, the chase of a water-wheel; a chase in the face of a wall of masonry; the chase or groove for the arrow in a crossbow.
  • noun In ship-building, that kind of joint by which the overlapping joints of clincher-built boats are gradually converted at the stem and stern into flush joints, as in carvel-built boats.


from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

[Possibly from obsolete French chas, groove, enclosure, from Old French, from Latin capsa, box. V., variant of enchase.]

from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

[Middle English chasen, to hunt, from Old French chacier, from Vulgar Latin *captiāre, from Latin captāre, to catch; see catch.]

from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

[Perhaps from French châsse, case, reliquary, from Old French chasse, from Latin capsa.]

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From Old French chacier, from Late Latin captio. Akin to catch.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Possibly from obsolete French chas ("groove”, “enclosure"), from Old French, from Latin capsa, box. V., variant of “enchase”.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Perhaps from French châsse ("case”, “reliquary"), from Old French chasse, from Latin capsa.


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  • Brookes, riding HM Plant Honda, goes into these races sensing that he can take the lead in the title chase for the first time, having closed within four points of Hill who has had a problematic last two rounds. 2010

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