
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • noun A violin made by Nicolò Amati or the members of his family.
  • Nicolò,Italian violin maker who taught his craft to Stradivari and Guarneri.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun a violin made by a member of the Amati family.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun a violin made by Nicolo Amati or a member of his family
  • noun Italian violin maker in Cremona; taught the craft to Guarneri and Stradivari (1596-1684)


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  • Lastly, he will show you, by means of a small hand-mirror throwing a gleam of light into its entrails, the identical autograph of the immortal maker -- Albani, Guarneri, or Amati, as the case may happen -- with the date printed in the lean old type and now scarcely visible through the dust of a couple of centuries, '_Amati_

    The Violin Its Famous Makers and Their Imitators George Hart

  • Then Krespel's countenance cleared up, and with a firm voice he replied, "Capitally, Professor; you recollect my telling you of the lucky chance which threw that splendid Amati [Footnote: The Amati were a celebrated family of violin-makers of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, belonging to Cremona in Italy.

    Stories by Foreign Authors: German — Volume 1 Various

  • Amati and Stradivari — they sold them as art, too.

    True Artistry Born of Craftsmanship Corinna da 2011

  • Café Amati offers table service, it is lovingly lighted, with pretty silverware and a collection of Wedgwood porcelain.

    Gastronaut 2008

  • Amati in 1620 and later adapted as a cello by Stradivari.

    A Muse and Music Star All in One 2010

  • Among the expensive violins, those made by Nicola Amati, Antonio Stradivari, and Giuseppe Guarneri are appreciated even today as "works of art".

    Violin Papercraft | Papercraft Paradise | PaperCrafts | Paper Models | Card Models Michael James 2008

  • Working as an apprentice, he came into contact with instruments built by some of history's greatest violin-makers, such as Stradivari, Guarneri, Amati and Guadagnini.

    A String Master In Brooklyn 2010

  • In 1904, he won a major prize at Ghent Conservatory's International Violin Competition, before returning to Mexico, where President Díaz presented him with an Amati violin "as a gift from the Mexican Nation" for his excellent performance abroad.

    Did you know? Mexico's Nobel Prize nominee and music revolutionary 2008

  • In 1904, he won a major prize at Ghent Conservatory's International Violin Competition, before returning to Mexico, where President Díaz presented him with an Amati violin "as a gift from the Mexican Nation" for his excellent performance abroad.

    Did you know? Mexico's Nobel Prize nominee and music revolutionary 2008

  • Café Amati offers table service, it is lovingly lighted, with pretty silverware and a collection of Wedgwood porcelain.

    Cafe Amati: A coffee oasis inside Shinjuku Station 2007


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