
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • adjective Watery, filmy, or unable to see clearly.
  • adjective Tired, disoriented, or bleary-eyed.
  • adjective Vaguely outlined; indistinct.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun See bleery.
  • Bleared; rheumy; dim: as, bleary red eyes.
  • Blurred; confused; cloudy; misty.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • adjective Somewhat blear.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective Tired, having senses dulled by exhaustion.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • adjective indistinct or hazy in outline
  • adjective tired to the point of exhaustion


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  • I'm also still bleary from the weekend: worked all day yesterday, stayed up too late on Saturday helping my UConn-fan wife obliterate the immediate past with mojitos and Classical Barbra, and was out too late on Friday witnessing The Bad Plus in the flesh and then finally meeting Ethan Iverson.

    I care not for Caruso Matthew Guerrieri 2009

  • A lot fo this ended up in bleary morning train rides home the next day.

    Archive 2010-02-01 Big Jim 2010

  • I'm also still bleary from the weekend: worked all day yesterday, stayed up too late on Saturday helping my UConn-fan wife obliterate the immediate past with mojitos and Classical Barbra, and was out too late on Friday witnessing The Bad Plus in the flesh and then finally meeting Ethan Iverson.

    Archive 2009-04-01 Matthew Guerrieri 2009

  • A lot fo this ended up in bleary morning train rides home the next day.

    On a Berlin Train Big Jim 2010

  • Through Mrs. Trapolli’s kitchen window, Maia can see daylight draining into the sky, bleaching it in bleary transparent streaks.

    Maia in Yonkers 2007

  • Through Mrs. Trapolli’s kitchen window, Maia can see daylight draining into the sky, bleaching it in bleary transparent streaks.

    Maia in Yonkers 2007

  • Through Mrs. Trapolli’s kitchen window, Maia can see daylight draining into the sky, bleaching it in bleary transparent streaks.

    Maia in Yonkers 2007

  • A BusyBodyBook is a dayplanner for parents, which, although I have no direct experience of it, has got to be a good thing because hello? keeping track of all baby-related activities and appointments and whatever ain’t easy when you’re all bleary from the parenting business that you can’t keep track of in the first place.

    Oooh, prizes…! | Her Bad Mother 2006

  • Surely most of us who have children can recall the bleary days of early parenthood when that baby woke us throughout the night.

    Kids sleep with their cell phones: Are they suffering from connection addiction? 2008

  • Two groups in a row, she’s been rumpled and bleary, which is out of character for her.



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