
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • transitive verb To charge (a beverage, for example) with carbon dioxide gas.
  • transitive verb To burn to carbon; carbonize.
  • transitive verb To change into a carbonate.
  • noun The anionic divalent group CO3, derived from carbonic acid, or a compound containing this group.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun In chem., a compound formed by the union of carbonic acid with a base: as, calcium carbonate; copper carbonate.
  • noun plural The common name in the Cordilleran mining region of ores consisting in large part of carbonate of lead. and usually containing silver. This is an important class of ores in Colorado and Utah.
  • noun Same as carbonado or bort.
  • To impregnate or saturate with carbonic acid.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun (Chem.) A salt or carbonic acid, as in limestone, some forms of lead ore, etc.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun any salt or ester of carbonic acid
  • verb transitive to charge (often a beverage) with carbon dioxide

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun a salt or ester of carbonic acid (containing the anion CO3)
  • verb turn into a carbonate
  • verb treat with carbon dioxide


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From French carbonate.


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  • At a recent meeting of the Geological Society of London that was devoted to thinking about the Anthropocene and its geological record, Toby Tyrrell of the University of Southampton pointed out that pale carbonate sediments-limestones, chalks and the like-cannot be laid down below what is called a "carbonate compensation depth".

    The Economist: Daily news and views 2011

  • At a recent meeting of the Geological Society of London that was devoted to thinking about the Anthropocene and its geological record, Toby Tyrrell of the University of Southampton pointed out that pale carbonate sediments-limestones, chalks and the like-cannot be laid down below what is called a "carbonate compensation depth".

    The Economist: Daily news and views 2011

  • Mr. WILKER: What the oysters seem to be doing is using a little bit of protein, or a small amount of an organic component, but have the majority of the material, 90 percent or so, be actually a hard, inorganic calcium carbonate, which is kind of like chalk.

    Scientists Probe 'Glue' That Keeps Oysters Together 2010

  • Mr. WILKER: What the oysters seem to be doing is using a little bit of protein, or a small amount of an organic component, but have the majority of the material, 90 percent or so, be actually a hard, inorganic calcium carbonate, which is kind of like chalk.

    Scientists Probe 'Glue' That Keeps Oysters Together 2010

  • Mr. WILKER: What the oysters seem to be doing is using a little bit of protein, or a small amount of an organic component, but have the majority of the material, 90 percent or so, be actually a hard, inorganic calcium carbonate, which is kind of like chalk.

    Scientists Probe 'Glue' That Keeps Oysters Together 2010

  • This bonds to the CO2 to form droplets of sodium carbonate, which is collected at the bottom of the towers and passed onto subsequent stages that separate and collect the CO2.

    Could CO2 be the green fuel powering tomorrow's cars? Duncan Graham-Rowe for 2010

  • The company has a technology to extract lithium carbonate, which is in demand from the growing lithium-ion battery industry.

    Power Plays 2008

  • The most common form of calcium is calcium carbonate, which is also the most difficult to absorb.

    OUR BODIES, OURSELVES The Boston Women’s Health Book Collective 2005

  • Sodium carbonate, which is often added to commercial bleaches, increases the alkalinity of the wash-water solution.


  • Sodium carbonate, which is often added to commercial bleaches, increases the alkalinity of the wash-water solution.



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