
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun An obsolete form of coronal, 2.
  • noun The earlier form of colonel.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun obsolete A colonel.
  • noun (Anc. Armor) The iron head of a tilting spear, divided into two, three, or four blunt points.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun The head of a spear; a cronel.
  • noun Obsolete form of colonel.


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  • Frequently the local political boss, the coronel was a sort of patrão to his followers, who received favors and expected future favors.

    Home 2009

  • Frequently the local political boss, the coronel was a sort of patrão to his followers, who received favors and expected future favors.

    Home 2009

  • Frequently the local political boss, the coronel was a sort of patrão to his followers, who received favors and expected future favors.

    Home 2009

  • Frequently the local political boss, the coronel was a sort of patrão to his followers, who received favors and expected future favors.

    Home 2009

  • Frequently the local political boss, the coronel was a sort of patrão to his followers, who received favors and expected future favors.

    Home 2009

  • Frequently the local political boss, the coronel was a sort of patrão to his followers, who received favors and expected future favors.

    Home 2009

  • Frequently the local political boss, the coronel was a sort of patrão to his followers, who received favors and expected future favors.

    Home 2009

  • Frequently the local political boss, the coronel was a sort of patrão to his followers, who received favors and expected future favors.

    Home 2009

  • Segundo o coronel, estudantes PEGARAM os policiais de suas motocicletas (que os pobres coitados não tiveram tempo de fugir ou se proteger, afinal todo seu equipamento não era páreo para os livro e mochilas mortais dos estudantes terroristas) e os fizeram de REFÉNS.

    Global Voices in English » Brazil: The country’s largest university becomes a battlefield 2009

  • Esse mesmo senhor coronel, durante a mesma entrevista, discute com uma garota que lhe aparece aos gritos argumentando algo sobre os absurdos cometidos pela PM.

    Global Voices in English » Brazil: The country’s largest university becomes a battlefield 2009


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