
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • noun A card game in which points are scored for the high trump, low trump, jack of trumps, and either the ten of trumps or the most points.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun A game of cards: same as all-fours.
  • noun A form of billiard-pool with fifteen object-balls, based in part on the card game of all-fours: once popular, but now obsolete.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun card games in which points are won for taking the high or low or jack or game


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  • The other boys in the garrison sneered at him, because he sacrificed in this unrequited affection for a politician the time which they devoted to Monongahela, hazard, and high-low-jack.

    Public Speaking Irvah Lester Winter

  • The only amusement of these men consisted in chewing tobacco in enormous quantities, playing surreptitious games of high-low-jack, in reading the daily paper, a single magazine, and waiting for the sun to enter the barred window, and watching it in the afternoon as it slipped away.

    McClure's Magazine, Vol. 6, No. 2, January, 1896 Various

  • The other boys in the garrison sneered at him, because he sacrificed in this unrequited affection for a politician the time which they devoted to Monongahela, sledge, and high-low-jack.

    The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 74, December, 1863 Various

  • The other boys in the garrison sneered at him, because he sacrificed in this unrequited affection for a politician the time which they devoted to Monongahela, hazard, and high-low-jack.

    The Man without a Country 1917

  • We had up a lot of whisky, and went to playing high-low-jack for dimes, and as soon as the whisky begun to take hold of Bud we stopped drinking, but we didn't let him stop.

    Tom Sawyer, Detective 1896

  • They could not understand why Nolan kept by himself while they were playing high-low-jack.

    Famous Stories Every Child Should Know Various 1880

  • We had up a lot of whisky, and went to playing high-low-jack for dimes, and as soon as the whisky begun to take hold of Bud we stopped drinking, but we didn't let him stop.

    Tom Sawyer, Detective Mark Twain 1872

  • They had started an innocent game of high-low-jack and had been stopped.

    The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg and Other Stories Mark Twain 1872

  • The other boys in the garrison sneered at him, because he sacrificed in this unrequited affection for a politician the time which they devoted to Monongahela, hazard, and high-low-jack.

    If, Yes and Perhaps Four Possibilities and Six Exaggerations with Some Bits of Fact Edward Everett Hale 1865

  • "I used to like high-low-jack, and I could manage to take a hand at euchre without raisin 'too big a disturbance; but I never could learn that bridge and play it with those women friends of yours -- never in this world.

    Cap'n Dan's Daughter Joseph Crosby Lincoln 1907


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