
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • adjective Anatomy Of or relating to lymph or to the nodes or vessels of the lymphatic system.
  • adjective Archaic Lacking energy or vitality; sluggish.
  • noun A vessel that conveys lymph.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • Containing, conveying, or pertaining in any way to lymph or chyle: as, a lymphatic vessel; a lymphatic gland.
  • Dull; sluggish; slow in thought or action, as if from an excess of lymph in the body.
  • noun A vessel which conveys lymph.
  • Making or being distracted or frantic.
  • noun A mad enthusiast; a lunatic.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • adjective pertaining to, containing, or conveying lymph.
  • adjective obsolete Madly enthusiastic; frantic.
  • adjective (Anat.) one of the solid glandlike bodies connected with the lymphatics or the lacteals; -- called also lymphatic ganglion, and conglobate gland.
  • adjective (Old Physiol.) a temperament in which the lymphatic system seems to predominate, that is, a system in which the complexion lacks color and the tissues seem to be of loose texture; hence, a temperament lacking energy, inactive, indisposed to exertion or excitement. See Temperament.
  • noun (Anat.) One of the lymphatic or absorbent vessels, which carry lymph and discharge it into the veins; lymph duct; lymphatic duct.
  • noun obsolete A mad enthusiast; a lunatic.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective anatomy Pertaining to lymph or the lymphatic system.
  • adjective Lacking energy or enthusiasm.
  • noun anatomy A vessel that transports lymph.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • adjective of or relating to or produced by lymph


from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

[New Latin lymphaticus, from Latin lympha, lymph; see lymph.]


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  • It's believed to be caused by nonliving proteins called prions, which accumulate in lymphatic and nerve tissue and literally create holes in the victim's brain (hence the "sponge" of "spongiform").

    Cause for Alarm? 2008

  • As the invading germs pass into the body, they travel most commonly through the lymph-channels and skin; are arrested and threatened with destruction by the so-called lymphatic glands, or lymph-nodes.

    Preventable Diseases Woods Hutchinson 1896

  • These lacteal and lymphatic vessels are furnished with numerous valves to prevent the return of the fluids, which they absorb, and terminate in glands, called lymphatic glands, and may hence be considered as long necks or mouths belonging to these glands.

    Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life Erasmus Darwin 1766

  • Maddox's malformation, called lymphatic cystic hygroma, caused large tumours to form on the left side of his face.

    The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed 2010

  • Maddox's malformation, called lymphatic cystic hygroma, caused large tumours to form on the left side of his face.

    The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed 2010

  • In addition to our network of blood vessels, humans have a network of vessels known as lymphatic vessels.

    EurekAlert! - Breaking News 2010

  • Maddox's malformation, called lymphatic cystic hygroma, caused large tumours to form on the left side of his face.

    The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed 2010

  • Shimko, 30, a Newport Beach native, avid waterman and outdoor enthusiast, is currently recovering from Hodgkin's lymphoma, a cancer of the part of the human body's immune system known as the lymphatic system.

    Transworld Surf» | Transworld Surf 2010

  • Every cell in your body is surrounded by fluids called lymphatic fluids.

    Wil's Ebay E-Store amp;34;Weight Loss 2010

  • Every cell in your body is surrounded by fluids called lymphatic fluids.

    Wil's Ebay E-Store amp;34;Weight Loss 2010


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