
from The Century Dictionary.

  • Short, thickset, and strong: applied to a horse or a man.
  • Having the form of a nugget; occurring in nuggets or lumps.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective having the characteristics of a nugget


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  • King calls Puglisi "nuggety," which translates best as a sort of scrappiness.

    unknown title 2009

  • I imagined a conveyor belt filled with rubble chugging its way through the studio, discharging nuggety factoids at random.

    Jamie Kenny | afoe | A Fistful of Euros | European Opinion 2010

  • A nuggety black man flew from the doorway of the mud-brick room and ran straight for the back hedge.

    Let The Dead Lie Malla Nunn 2010

  • A nuggety black man flew from the doorway of the mud-brick room and ran straight for the back hedge.

    Let The Dead Lie Malla Nunn 2010

  • Along came a beautiful fair breeze out of the southeast which lasted long enough to see white cliffs, trees, yellow cliffs, trees, curving golden beaches, and the low, nuggety jaws of Botany Bay.

    Morgan’s Run Colleen McCullough 2000

  • Along came a beautiful fair breeze out of the southeast which lasted long enough to see white cliffs, trees, yellow cliffs, trees, curving golden beaches, and the low, nuggety jaws of Botany Bay.

    Morgan’s Run Colleen McCullough 2000

  • Des Plunkett, a nuggety little man with a fierce moustache, had a staff of map tracers dispersed in various rooms throughout the camp.


  • Within an hour a willing bunch of prisoners gathered for an open-air meeting as a diversion, and in the middle of them someone whipped off a manhole noted on the stolen drainage chart, and Shag Rees, a nuggety little Welshman, slipped into it.


  • Thus the aggregation of the nuggety forms of gold from solution becomes a still more simple matter, only one reagent being necessary, so that there is a greater probability of such depositions obtaining than were a double process necessary.

    Getting Gold: a practical treatise for prospectors, miners and students

  • But when we find large nuggety masses of high carat gold in the beds of dead rivers, another origin has to be sought.

    Getting Gold: a practical treatise for prospectors, miners and students


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