
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • verb Third-person singular simple present indicative form of predicate.
  • noun Plural form of predicate.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

See predicate (noun):

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

See predicate (verb):


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  • B-ruin predicates these forecasts on 3 ERRONEOUS ASSUMPTIONS:

    Heathrow-stock Newmania 2007

  • Functions like f are called predicates, they represent conditions and return a boolean value.

    Site Home DorianCorompt 2012

  • In fact, this simultaneous adoption by the genre’s writers, readers and theorists of SF’s self-declared “rationalist” agenda, and their clear-sightedness about the spuriousness of its predicates, is an important reminder of the fact that the purchase of ideology, in all spheres, is dependent on the persuasive power not of its specific and explicit truth-claims, but of the ideological project as a self-sustaining totality.

    SF Quote of the Night – 2 « Gerry Canavan 2010

  • To the Greeks and Romans, the stories were not subjects to truth claims; that is, the predicates “true” and “false” were simply not applicable to the many stories about the deities.

    Politicians and Critics Sean 2008

  • These words are called predicates and are nouns, verbs and adverbs.

    xml's 2008

  • I won't show you all 24 predicate names that that this query returns, but for the SPARQL version of the SQL query above that listed country names, languages, and percentages, I picked out the tablename_columnname predicates I needed from the list of 24 and used them to create this query:

    Planet XML 2008

  • The soundness of the statement "God exists and is all things to all men" is proven within first-order predicates, meaning that The Completeness Theorem provides a mathematical proof for the existence and omnipotence of God.

    Conservapedia - Recent changes [en] 2009

  • The soundness of the statement "God exists and is all things to all men" is proven within first-order predicates, meaning that The Completeness Theorem provides a mathematical proof for the existence and omnipotence of God.

    Conservapedia - Recent changes [en] 2009

  • The soundness of the statement "God exists and is all things to all men" is proven within first-order predicates, meaning that The Completeness Theorem provides a mathematical proof for the existence and omnipotence of God.

    Conservapedia - Recent changes [en] 2009

  • This slogan, talia subiecta qualia predicata permiserint (subjects are such as predicates permit), was commonly attributed to Boethius; but Sherwood correctly points out that Boethius 'point was different, and his phrase was the converse: "talia [predicata] qualia subiecta permiserint" ” see De Rijk, Logica Modernorum II (1), p. 561.

    Medieval Theories: Properties of Terms Read, Stephen 2006


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