
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • adjective Of or relating to the position of two celestial bodies when they are 60° apart.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun The aspect of two planets, or of the sun and a planet, when they are at a distance of 60 degrees from each other.
  • In astrology, noting the aspect or position of two planets when distant from each other sixty degrees or two signs.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • adjective (Astrol.) Measured by sixty degrees; fixed or indicated by a distance of sixty degrees.
  • noun (Astrol.) The aspect or position of two planets when distant from each other sixty degrees, or two signs. This position is marked thus: ✶.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective astronomy Of or noting the aspect or position of any two celestial bodies separated by 60°.
  • noun statistics The specific term used for a quantile of six equal proportions.
  • noun statistics Any of the subsets thus obtained.
  • noun A segment that is a sixth of the whole.
  • noun astronomy A sextile aspect or position.


from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

[Latin sextīlis, one sixth, from sextus, sixth; see s(w)eks in Indo-European roots.]

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From Latin sextīlis one sixth, from sextus sixth + īlis -ile.


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  • You can follow any responses to this entry through the One Response to "The most mentions of" sextile "you'll find on the internet" art vandelay says: 2010

  • That there was this triple configuration on that day ” namely the sextile of Saturn and the Sun, the sextile of Mars and Jupiter, and the quadrature of Mercury and Mars, is proved by the change of weather; for after a frost of some days, that very day became warmer, there was a thaw and a fall of rain.”

    Kepler Bryant, Walter W 1920

  • The detail of the inconsistencies in the etymological treatment and in the alloseme/lemma status of the quintile and sextile that you mention is no less diabolical!

    1880s English | Linguism | Language Blog 2010

  • The Universe supports your decision with a stellar sextile, the aspect of opportunity, from Venus to Jupiter on the 2nd.

    Horoscope for June 2009 2009

  • Dividing the zodiacal wheel by 3 (trine 120 degrees) and 6 (sextile 60 degrees)a harmonious relationship.

    Astrology for Enlightenment Michelle Karén 2008

  • The four planets are each linked to the next one by a 60-degree angle sextile aspect.

    Astrology for Enlightenment Michelle Karén 2008

  • Antinous, Nero Sporus, &c. The physicians refer this to their temperament, astrologers to trine and sextile aspects, or opposite of their several ascendants, lords of their genitures, love and hatred of planets; [4528]

    Anatomy of Melancholy 2007

  • I tend to restrict aspect analysis to the following major five angles: conjunction, sextile one of my favs, square, trine and opposition.

    HerScopes Charlene Lichtenstein 2000

  • I tend to restrict aspect analysis to the following major five angles: conjunction, sextile one of my favs, square, trine and opposition.

    HerScopes Charlene Lichtenstein 2000

  • I tend to restrict aspect analysis to the following major five angles: conjunction, sextile one of my favs, square, trine and opposition.

    HerScopes Charlene Lichtenstein 2000


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