
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • noun The technique or process of working in stone.
  • noun Work made of stone; stonemasonry.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun In printing, the imposing of pages of type on a surface of stone and the securing of them in the chase f or electrotyping or printing.
  • noun Work consisting of stone; masons' work of stone.
  • noun See the qualifying words.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun Work or wall consisting of stone; mason's work of stone.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun Constructions made of stone.
  • noun uncountable The skills of constructing with stone, stonecraft.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun masonry done with stone


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  • The stonework is beautiful and the inclusion of water and all the green.

    Casa Mirindaba by Marcio Kogan 2008

  • I confess that the chip in the stonework was a sufficient clue to suggest the true solution, and that I blame myself for not having attained it sooner.

    The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir, 1859-1930 1927

  • I confess that the chip in the stonework was a sufficient clue to suggest the true solution, and that I blame myself for not having attained it sooner.

    The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir, 1859-1930 1927

  • I confess that the chip in the stonework was a sufficient clue to suggest the true solution, and that I blame myself for not having attained it sooner.

    The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir, 1859-1930 1927

  • I confess that the chip in the stonework was a sufficient clue to suggest the true solution, and that I blame myself for not having attained it sooner.

    The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir, 1859-1930 1927

  • The bright, creamy colour of the stonework is a pleasant reminder of the purity of York's atmosphere, for should the smoke of the city ever increase to the extent of even the smaller manufacturing towns, the beauty and glamour of every view would gradually disappear.

    Yorkshire Gordon Home 1923

  • Material culture such as stonework can co-exist with different languages and/or cultures, so a certain amount of caution is in order when extrapolating from one to another.

    Pictish female names Carla 2010

  • There is no kind of stonework which can compare, under certain circumstances, with the point of a lance or the edge of a machete, and the bearers of a number of such weapons were to be seen coming toward him at a gallop.

    Ahead of the Army William Osborn Stoddard 1880

  • Since McNulty, along with each of the other assistant engineers, had had no previous experience building suspension bridges, every step after the stonework was a new one and there might have been costly delays or mistakes had it not been for Roebling’s extraordinary written communications and for Master Mechanic E. F. Farrington, the one and only man among them who had ever worked with wire before.

    The Great Bridge David McCullough 1972

  • After six expeditions to Easter Island, including one in 1986 during which he uncovered ancient ceremonial constructions, human teeth and bones, soil containing charcoal, and stonework similar to that found in pre-Inca sites, Thor stoutly phonated that the island's first inhabitants arrived from Peru around 800 B.C., traveling in balsa-log rafts, such as the one he sailed from Peru to Polynesia in 1947, the raft he called Kon Tiki.

    Richard Bangs: Skullduggery on Easter Island (Part I of II) Richard Bangs 2011


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