
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • American abolitionist and public official who was minister to Russia (1861–1862 and 1863–1869).
  • Henry,American politician who pushed the Missouri Compromise through the US House of Representatives (1820) in an effort to reconcile free and slave states.
  • Lucius DuBignon,American army officer who commanded US forces in Germany (1945–1949) and oversaw the Berlin airlift (1948–1949).

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • proper noun A surname.
  • proper noun A male given name transferred from the surname.
  • proper noun A diminutive of the male given name Clayton.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From a Middle English occupational name for a clay worker, or a habitational name, from Old English clǣġ ("clay").


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  • White Kaolin Clay, also known as China or White Clay, is basically kaolinite and is the mildest of all clays.

    Mask Post | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles 2009

  • Yellow Kaolin Clay is mild clay making it suitable for sensitive skin.

    Mask Post | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles 2009

  • Consider This: If you like the name Clay, perhaps use it as a nickname for Clayton, which is much more popular and versatile.

    5-Star Baby Name Advisor Bruce Lansky 2008

  • Consider This: If you like the name Clay, perhaps use it as a nickname for Clayton, which is much more popular and versatile.

    5-Star Baby Name Advisor Bruce Lansky 2008

  • Since I know nothing about the laws of South Dakota I would not assume that the officials in Clay county are violating any of the laws there.

    Page 2 2009

  • The extortionists in Clay County ask for no extra fee for allowing a person from another state to register their car in SD.

    Page 2 2009

  • Sub Specie AEternitatis says: spo: Judge Clay is an evil man. ...

    The Volokh Conspiracy » Is the Sixth Circuit the New Ninth (At Least in Habeas Cases)? 2010

  • How is Clay County (and other counties from what I've been told) being corrupt and how exactly are people encouraging corruption by legally registering their vehicles in Clay County? sioux4noff

    Page 2 2009

  • According to the Chapala forum Mary in Clay County SD as of yesterday is still doing renewals for people who have SD plates on their car in Mexico.

    two choices on plates 2010

  • The wonderfully named Ponders and Clanahans and Sistrunks have held sway in Clay, Mississippi, for generations.

    2009 June 01 « One-Minute Book Reviews 2009


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