
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • noun One whose work or business is cleaning.
  • noun A machine or substance used in cleaning.
  • noun A dry-cleaning establishment.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun One who or that which cleans.
  • noun A special preparation, either saponaceous, ethereal, or both, used for removing grease-spots, ink-stains, etc., from fabrics.
  • noun A device for automatically cleaning scum or floating matter from the surface of water in a boiler and depositing it in a separator or settling-chamber located on top of the boiler. It consists of a skimmer in the boiler, to which is attached a vertical pipe which discharges into the settling-chamber near its top. From a point at the other side of the settling-chamber a return-pipe leads into the boiler, discharging somewhat below the water-level.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun One who, or that which, cleans.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun A person whose occupation is to clean floors, windows and other things.
  • noun A device that cleans, such as the vacuum cleaner.
  • noun A cleaning detergent.
  • noun in the plural A professional laundry or dry cleaner (business).
  • adjective comparative form of clean: more clean

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun a preparation used in cleaning something
  • noun the operator of dry-cleaning establishment
  • noun someone whose occupation is cleaning


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

to clean + -er (agent noun)

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

clean + -er


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  • Top tips on buying a vacuum cleaner● Think about what surfaces you want to clean and what space you have to store your cleaner.

    A clean sweep 2010

  • And then, last but not least, you're seeing a number of states adopt what they call cleaner energy standards, everything from making sure that your refrigerator uses less energy to the mix, in terms of wind power, that's used by the state, ultimately changes.

    CNN Transcript Dec 16, 2005 2005

  • My very wise Latina house cleaner is off today, so since she is wiser than I, my opinion is not very good.

    Liberal bloggers admit conservatives have upper hand on Twitter 2009

  • Fortunately, the same clean energy legislation Perriello and Boucher backed will increase our nation's securityby investing in cleaner cars and renewable energy so we can stop mortgaging our children's future to buy oil from countries that don't share our values.

    Heather Taylor-Miesle: Virginians want clean energy and politicians who will make it happen Heather Taylor-Miesle 2010

  • Fortunately, the same clean energy legislation Perriello and Boucher backed will increase our nation's securityby investing in cleaner cars and renewable energy so we can stop mortgaging our children's future to buy oil from countries that don't share our values.

    Heather Taylor-Miesle: Virginians want clean energy and politicians who will make it happen Heather Taylor-Miesle 2010

  • Remington's Bore cleaner is much better for a preliminary cleaning after a big day at the range/out in the field.

    What is the best gun oil 2009

  • Green Way To Unclog Sink Without Harm To PetsWe have pets and when one of our sinks clog, it is always a concern that one of our cats or our dog will decide to become curious and taste the drain cleaner that we’ve used.

    Best Five Games on Facebook facebook – myFiveBest 2009

  • If the house cleaner is from a firm, call your local Better Business Bureau to check on the firm's reputation.


  • Obama today said one of the fastest, easiest, and cheapest ways to make our economy stronger and cleaner is to make [it] more energy efficient.

    The 10 Greenest Cities in the U.S. 2009

  • Remington's Bore cleaner is much better for a preliminary cleaning after a big day at the range/out in the field.

    What is the best gun oil 2009


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