
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • verb Past participle of twilight
  • adjective Illuminated by or as if by twilight.
  • verb Simple past of twilight.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • adjective lighted by or as if by twilight


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Past participial form of to twilight.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Imperfect form of to twilight ("to light dimly, by or as if by twilight").


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  • It's not difficult to see Parker's point: Milne's plays are steeped in a kind of twilit cutesiness that gives the impression they were written in scented violet ink. | Top Stories 2010

  • It's not difficult to see Parker's point: Milne's plays are steeped in a kind of twilit cutesiness that gives the impression they were written in scented violet ink. | Top Stories 2010

  • Mars, mag 1.4 and reddish in hue, is 8° below-left of the Pleiades as it rises into the twilit NE sky at 02:45 BST on the 1st.

    Starwatch: The July night sky 2011

  • Once the children have reached maturity they leave their school-type community and embark on a twilit adult life, in which they are given limited access to the normal world while they await the summons to make their first "donation".

    Rereading: Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro 2011

  • Above, sunlight shined in through the windows of the cupola, imparting a hazy, twilit glow to the circular space.

    Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts of Empire David R. George III 2011

  • Mars, mag 1.4 and reddish in hue, is 8° below-left of the Pleiades as it rises into the twilit NE sky at 02:45 BST on the 1st.

    Starwatch: The July night sky 2011

  • “Ssh,” someone said, hovering over her in the dim, twilit room.

    Uprising Margaret Peterson Haddix 2011

  • “Ssh,” someone said, hovering over her in the dim, twilit room.

    Uprising Margaret Peterson Haddix 2011

  • (Not just in veiled terms, either -- with a Japanese and an American war vet thrown into one of his twilit scenarios.)

    Where we won the War we started by almost losing it 2010

  • Above, sunlight shined in through the windows of the cupola, imparting a hazy, twilit glow to the circular space.

    Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts of Empire David R. George III 2011


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