
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective Of a person, willing to "try anything" sexually.
  • noun One who is trisexual.
  • adjective sexuality Of or relating to a system that involves three genders, or sexualities.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

tri- +‎ sexual

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

try +‎ sexual


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  • It's also the first time I have ever encountered the word "trisexual" -- see paragraph 44.

    What can be done? - Ezra Levant 2008

  • It's also the first time I have ever encountered the word "trisexual" -- see paragraph 44.

    Ezra Levant: January 2008 Archives 2008

  • They're trisexual, which is why you'll always see them traveling in trios.

    Flinx In Flux Foster, Alan Dean, 1946- 1988

  • They're trisexual, which is why you'll always see them traveling in trios.

    Flinx In Flux Foster, Alan Dean, 1946- 1988

  • Alex went on to joke in the discussion that he was a "trisexual", adding: "We all have that potential." | TV News 2010

  • Alex went on to joke in the discussion that he was a "trisexual", adding: "We all have that potential." | TV News 2010

  • Pierce Brosnan leaves 007 way behind as a "trisexual" hit man in the saucy new comedy Daily News 2009

  • I'd also suggest that if she yearns for the quiet life then she might want to consider turning down invites to go on chat-shows looking like a burst tractor inner-tube, talking about her 'trisexual' crossdressing lover and making desperate TV series where she trots her kids sounds excited out for the cameras in their home.

    The Daily Record - Home 2009

  • I'd also suggest that if she yearns for the quiet life then she might want to consider turning down invites to go on chat-shows looking like a burst tractor inner-tube, talking about her 'trisexual' crossdressing lover and making desperate TV series where she trots her kids sounds excited out for the cameras in their home.

    The Daily Record - Home 2009

  • Pierce Brosnan leaves 007 way behind as a "trisexual" hit man in the saucy new comedy Daily News 2009


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  • "Will try anything sexual"

    August 5, 2008