
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun A slit; specifically, a short slit or opening left in an article of dress, as in the sleeve of a shirt, at the top of the skirt in a dress, etc., as a means of putting it on; a placket or placket-hole.
  • noun A crack; a flaw.
  • noun A remnant, as of cotton; an odd piece; specifically, imperfectly printed or imperfectly dyed ends of cotton and other cloths, which are sold for patchwork and similar purposes.
  • noun The binding of any part of the dress.
  • To bind (cloth).


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  •     God

    Opens each fent, scent, memory, aftermath

    In the sky and the sod.

    —Lawrence Durrell, 'Carol on Corfu'

    March 17, 2009

  • "What is this picture but a fragment?

    Is it linen—papyrus—who can say?

    All those stains and fents and stretched bits, but

    she was a character, even a beauty, you can see that

    from the set of her head and the rakish snood

    her tight black curls are fighting to escape from."

    "The Sandal" by Edwin Morgan, quoted in Artful by Ali Smith, pp 25-26

    August 2, 2013

  • My jacket I know has a vent

    But too little time have I spent

    In learning the lesson

    Of clothes that I dress in

    To praise the ubiquitous fent.

    April 3, 2017