
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • intransitive verb To set again.
  • intransitive verb To change the reading of.
  • intransitive verb To adjust (the interest rate of a loan) according to contractual arrangement, as at the end of a preset term.
  • intransitive verb To be set again.
  • intransitive verb To change according to contractual arrangement, as at the end of a preset term. Used of an interest rate.
  • intransitive verb To change to a different interest rate according to contractual arrangement, as at the end of a preset term. Used of a loan.
  • noun The act or an instance of setting again.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun Same as receipt, 5, 6.
  • noun In Scots law, the receiving and harboring of an outlaw or a criminal.
  • Same as receipt.
  • In Scots law, to receive and harbor (an outlaw or criminal); receive (stolen goods).
  • noun The act of resetting.
  • noun In printing, matter set over again.
  • To set again, in any sense of the word set.
  • noun The act or practice of receiving stolen goods.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • transitive verb To set again.
  • noun The act of resetting.
  • noun (Print.) That which is reset; matter set up again.
  • noun (Scots Law) The receiving of stolen goods, or harboring an outlaw.
  • transitive verb (Scots Law) To harbor or secrete; to hide, as stolen goods or a criminal.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun Scots law the crime of knowingly and dishonestly receiving stolen goods
  • verb To set back to the initial state.
  • verb To set to zero
  • verb To adjust again after an initial failure
  • noun An act of resetting to the initial state
  • noun Setting to zero
  • noun Something that is reset
  • noun A device, such as a button or switch, for resetting something.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • verb set to zero
  • noun device for resetting instruments or controls
  • verb adjust again after an initial failure
  • verb set anew


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

re- +‎ set

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From receipt


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  • I just have to sort of pause and let the brain reset from the complete focus on the chocolate.

    Barnstorming on an Invisible Segway 2009

  • Mr. Biden, just weeks after becoming vice president, coined the phrase "reset" when he called for a new start on U.S.

    Biden Pledges Aid, Support to Moldova Jonathan Weisman 2011

  • If the union balks again, Stern said, the league will revert to its prior offer, which he referred to as the reset: a 47 percent share for players, a hard salary cap and a major rollback of current salaries.

    NYT > Home Page By HOWARD BECK 2011

  • I wasn't planning to write about the minor contretemps caused by Secretary of State Clinton's gag gift to Sergey Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, of a red plastic button with the English word reset and an alleged Russian translation that turned out to be wrong; I figure everyone's heard about it by now, and really, what is there to say other than "oops"? 2009

  • Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, in greeting Sergey V. Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, presented him with a red plastic button emblazoned with the English word "reset" and the Russian word "peregruzka."

    My Right Word 2009

  • Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, in greeting Sergey V. Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, presented him with a red plastic button emblazoned with the English word "reset" and the Russian word "peregruzka."

    POE News 2009

  • Then Hillary Clinton presented Sergey Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, with a symbolic present, a red plastic button emblazoned with the English word "reset" and the Russian word "peregruzka".

    The Economist: Correspondent's diary 2009

  • I should also add it does benefit those people still on adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs) that are now in reset mode.

    Matthew Yglesias » Mortgage Rates and Stimulus 2010

  • Russia and the US may have reset their policies towards each other, but from Moscow's viewpoint the purpose of that reset is merely to allow it to consolidate its dominion over its neighbors.

    Stephen Blank: Is Russia Riding to BP's Rescue? Stephen Blank 2010

  • Russia and the US may have reset their policies towards each other, but from Moscow's viewpoint the purpose of that reset is merely to allow it to consolidate its dominion over its neighbors.

    Stephen Blank: Is Russia Riding to BP's Rescue? Stephen Blank 2010


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  • Scots - to receive or sell stolen goods. Pronounced perhaps as in reesetee.

    December 26, 2007

  • Hahahaha! I admit I've set anew at times, but I've never ever received or sold stolen goods--at least not that I know about. ;-)

    December 29, 2007