
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun Pay (of soldiers, etc.); salary.
  • noun Preterit and past participle of sell.
  • To pay.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun obsolete Solary; military pay.
  • imp. & p. p. of sell.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • verb Simple past tense and past participle of sell.
  • noun obsolete solary; military pay

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • adjective disposed of to a purchaser


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

French solde. See soldier, and compare sou.


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  • They said the program wasn't ″sold, ″ making it a commodity that can be re-sold at will.

    Evil Doug's Existential Journal Evil Doug 2010

  • By that time, everything published under her name sold off the charts.

    Louisa May Alcott Susan Cheever 2010

  • The title sold about 3.5 million copies, making Miller and Broussard straightforwardly wealthy.

    Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz 2009

  • In the week after GTA IV's release on April 29, the title sold more than six million copies and netted more than $500 million at retail -- a record launch for the industry.

    Studio Is Prize in Takeover Duel 2008

  • Almost overnight, Shakur became Death Row's No. 1 cash asset; the first album he made for the label sold 4 million copies.

    Hits Until The End Of Time 2007

  • The title sold so great a number of these papers that about

    The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 84, October, 1864 Various

  • After all, here was a character who'd traditionally occupied the second-tier even when his title sold well, and it's not like he had the marquee value of a Spider-Man or a Hulk, right? later, we all know how big Marvel's gamble paid off.

    The Full Feed from Zaki Hasan 2011

  • Those complaints didn't put a damper on sales, however, as NPD reported the title sold 114,000 copies in the U.S. in just over two weeks.

    IGN PS3 2010

  • Those complaints didn't put a damper on sales, however, as NPD reported the title sold 114,000 copies in the U.S. in just over two weeks.

    IGN Wii 2010

  • Those complaints didn't put a damper on sales, however, as NPD reported the title sold 114,000 copies in the U.S. in just over two weeks.

    IGN Wii 2010


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  • "We are sold -- mighty badly sold. But we don't want to be the laughing stock of this whole town, I reckon ... HF 23

    December 7, 2006

  • Some runaway ads help balance out the horror of these.

    "To be SOLD for ready money, to the highest bidder, on Monday the 17th of September, at Alexandria, being Fairfax court day,

    SEVENTEEN valuable SLAVES, consisting of men, women, boys and girls; among the number are three valuable forgemen, a sawyer, a collier, a blacksmith, a carpenter, a miller and a baker. There will be sold at the same time and place, a tract of LAND, lying on Pimmit's Run, near the Falls of Potowmack Potomac, containing about 400 acres; settled with four tenements, two of which are well improved with buildings. There is a good deal of meadow ground on the run, it bending on the same for two miles, and is well watered and timbered. The above slaves and land are part of the estate of John Ballendine, and sold to satisfy a debt due to the subscriber.


    Virginia Gazette (Rind), August 23, 1770

    "To be SOLD, on Thursday the 15th of January, at BLANDFORD, if fair, otherwise next fair day,

    SEVERAL likely NEGROES, among which are 3 apprentices, who have about 3 years to serve, two of them bound to a ship carpenter, and the other to a bricklayer. At the same time will be sold sundry kinds of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Twelve months credit will be allowed for all sums above 5£. the purchasers giving bond, with approved security, to


    N. B. A reasonable discount will be allowed for ready money."

    Virginia Gazette (Purdie & Dixon), December 18, 1766

    "To be SOLD, on Saturday the 6th of September, at the late Dwelling-House of Mr. James Ransom, deceased, in Kingston Parish, Gloucester County, SUNDRY NEGROES, and the PLANTATION whereon the said Ransom lived, containing 373 Acres, reserving to the Widow her Dower. Part of the Purchase Money must be paid down, and short Credit will be allowed for the Remainder.


    Two likely young Virginia born NEGRO WOMEN about seventeen Years of Age each; they are good Spinners, and understand most Sorts of Household Work, though of late they have been employed in Plantation Business, and are reputed very good Hands. A reasonable Credit will be given to a punctual Purchaser, on giving Bond with good Security.


    KING WILLIAM County, August 1, 1774."

    —Virginia Gazette (Purdie & Dixon), August 4, 1774

    January 30, 2009

  • I remember seeing broadsides like this when I worked with rare books & documents. Horrifying.

    January 31, 2009