Adopt a Word at Wordnik!

Adopt a word at Wordnik and help support our mission of collecting and sharing all the words of English!

For just $25, less than fifty cents a week, you can adopt a wordβ€”almost any wordβ€”for an entire year. You'll also get:

  • Your word linked to your website or social media profile!
  • A downloadable, printable certificate commemorating your adoption!
  • Stickers!
  • Send your word to the front of the line for updated data!
  • An 'adopter' badge on your Wordnik user page!
Your adoption donation is now tax-deductible, where permissible by law.

Adopt a word today!

You can adopt a word or phrase! (Remember: Wordnik is case-sensitive.)
This your name as you'd like it displayed on the word page.
(Optional) We will link the Adopter name to the link provided here.
We'll never share your email with anyone else.
Include your Wordnik username if you'd like your adoption listed on your user profile page.
Send us any additional instructions or questions.
If you would like us to automatically renew your adoption each year, check this box.
If you would prefer not to receive Wordnik stickers in the mail, check this box.