A list of 25 words by rockeysav.
- Prior Restraint: judicial suppression of material that would be published or broadcast, on the grounds that it is libelous or harmfulwas added by rockeysav and appears on just this list
- Grandfather clause: a clause exempting certain classes of people or things from the requirements of a piece of legislation affecting their previous rights, privileges, or practices.was added by rockeysav and appears on just this list
- Political culture: A set of attitudes and practices held by a people that shapes their political behavior.was added by rockeysav and appears on just this list
- Sampling error: error in a statistical analysis arising from the unrepresentativeness of the sample taken.was added by rockeysav and appears on just this list
- Fairness doctrine: a former federal policy in the US requiring television and radio broadcasters to present contrasting viewpoints on controversial issues of public importance.was added by rockeysav and appears on just this list
- Shield law: a law protecting journalists from forced disclosure of confidential sources of information.was added by rockeysav and appears on just this list
- Ticket-Splitting: a ballot on which not all votes have been cast for candidates of the same party.was added by rockeysav and appears on just this list
- Soft Money: a contribution to a political party that is not accounted as going to a particular candidate, thus avoiding various legal limitations.was added by rockeysav and appears on just this list
- Political action committees: an organization that raises money privately to influence elections or legislation, especially at the federal level.was added by rockeysav and appears on just this list
- Caucuses: a meeting of party leaders to select candidates, elect convention delegates, etc.was added by rockeysav and appears on just this list
- Plurality: The largest number of votes in an election.was added by rockeysav and appears on just this list
- Patronage: The practice of granting favors to reward party loyalty.was added by rockeysav and appears on just this list
- Runoff Primary: A secondary primary election between the two candidates who receive the most votes in the first primary.was added by rockeysav and appears on just this list
- Open Primary: An election in which all voters may participate.was added by rockeysav and appears on just this list
- Closed Primary: An election in which only members of a political party can vote.was added by rockeysav and appears on just this list
- Direct Primary: An election in which party members select people to run in general election.was added by rockeysav and appears on just this list
- Propaganda: The use of ideas, information, or rumors to influence opinion.was added by rockeysav and appears on just this list
- Partisan: A strong supporter of a partywas added by rockeysav and appears on just this list
- Libel: false written or published statements intended to damage a person’s reputation.was added by rockeysav and appears on just this list
- Front Runner: The early leader in an election.was added by rockeysav and appears on just this list
- Campaign Manager: The person responsible for the overall strategy and planning of a campaign.was added by rockeysav and appears on just this list
- Third Party: Any political party other than one of the two major parties.was added by rockeysav and appears on just this list
- Theocracy: A government dominated by religion.was added by rockeysav and appears on just this list
- Platform: A statement of a political party’s principles, beliefs, and positions on vital issues.was added by rockeysav and appears on just this list
- Political Party: an organization of people who share the same views about the way power should be used in a country or society.was added by rockeysav and appears on just this list
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