A list of 119 words by irina-ni.
- Завышать стоимость – to overstate the value of smthwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- равняться $2000 минус $1000 – to be equal $2000 less $1000was added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- Чистый доход - net revenuewas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- Остаточная прибыль - residual profitswas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- Добывать железную руду – to mine the iron orewas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- Производить стали на $4000 – to make $4000 worth of steelwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- конечный потребитель – a final consumer, an ultimatewas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- Готовые изделия - finished goods , final goodswas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- Быть израсходованным в дальнейшем производстве – to be used up in latest stage of the production processwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- Промежуточные товары – intermediate goodswas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- Промежуточные товары – intermediate goods Быть израсходованным в дальнейшем производстве – to be used up in latest stage of the production process конечный потребитель – a final consumer, an ultimate Производить стали на $4000 – to make $4000 worth of steelwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- добавленная стоимость – value addedwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- Избегать двойного счета – to avoid double countingwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- Независимо от – regardless ofwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- Валовой внутренний продукт – gross domestic productwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- Factor payments – плата за факторыwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- Net output– чистый выпускwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- Gross value – валовая стоимостьwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- Intermediate output– промежуточный выпускwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- To show up under final expenditure – отражаться в окончательных расходахwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- To accrue to households as income – начисляться домохозяйствам в качестве доходаwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- Circular flow diagram – круговая диаграмма, схема кругооборотаwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- Closed economy – закрытая экономикаwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- Domestic factors of production – отечественные факторы производстваwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- Domestic economy – национальная экономикаwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- National income accounting – исчисление национального доходаwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- Job cuts - сокращение численности работниковwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- Job tenure - срок пребывания в должностиwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- Job sharing – разделение трудаwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- Job losses – потери рабочих местwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- Menial job - низкооплачиваемая работаwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- Job satisfaction - удовлетворенность работойwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- Job description - описание работы, должностная инструкцияwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- Job creation - создание новых (дополнительных) рабочих местwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- Dead-end job - бесперспективная работаwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- Plum job – «теплое местечко»was added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- Demanding job - ответственная работаwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- Job security - гарантия занятостиwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- предмет оживленной дискуссии - the subject of lively debatewas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- результаты выборов - the outcome of electionswas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- создавать рабочие места – to create jobswas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- держать инфляцию под контролем - to keep inflation under controlwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- требования повысить зарплату – greedy wage claimswas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- искать работу – to look for workwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- поставить ряд вопросов – to pose a series of questionswas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- расплывчатое, неясное понятие – a blur red notionwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- соответствовать друг другу – to fit togetherwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- невооруженный глаз – a naked eyewas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- возросшая международная конкурентоспособность - improved international competitivenesswas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- достигать определенного уровня детализации или обобщения - To achieve curtain amount of detail or magnificationwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- делать акцент на чем-л. – to place the emphasis on smthwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- отслеживать все занятые в процессе экономические силы – to keep track of all the economic forces at workwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- соединять воедино – to piece togetherwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- Изучать не отдельные факты, а общую картину - to concern not with the details but with the overall picturewas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- Наука об экономике в целом - the study of the economy as a wholewas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- To commission spending – определять расходыwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- To levy taxes – взимать налогиwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- Policy measures – меры политикиwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- Real gross national product (real GNP) – реальный валовой национальный продукт (ВНП)was added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- To price oneself out of jobs –вытеснить с работыwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- The percentage annual growth in the RPI – процентный годовой рост ИРЦwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- A weighted average of prices – средневзвешенное ценwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- The retail price index (RPI) – индекс розничных ценwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- Broad aggregates – широкие агрегатыwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- Exchange rate – обменный курсwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- Interest rate – ставка процентаwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- Tax revenue – налоговое поступлениеwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- Aggregate level of unemployment – средний уровень безработицыwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- Total output of the economy – общий выпуск экономикиwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- managerial discretion – полномочия управленияwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- to aim for size and growth – стремиться к росту и развитиюwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- separation of ownership and control – отделять владение от контроляwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- a salaried board of directors – наемный совет директоровwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- to maximize the total satisfaction – максимизировать полезность (прибыль)was added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- to shift resources into or out of a business – перераспределить ресурсы в (из) бизнес(а)was added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- to tie up funds in business – вложить средства в бизнесwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- supernormal profit – сверхприбыльwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- to earn a return of 10 per cent – получить доход в размере 10%was added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- a self-employed sole trader – индивидуальный предпринимательwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- firm's supply decision – решение фирмы об объеме предложенияwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- to reduce liabilities – уменьшать обязательстваwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- to increase the asset side – увеличить активыwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- to affect the balance sheet – влиять на балансwas added by irina-ni and appears on 2 lists
- retained earnings - нераспределенная прибыльwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- to pay interest on the money borrowed - выплачивать процент по займуwas added by irina-ni and appears on 2 lists
- to meet future demand - удовлетворять спросwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- to hold inventories - иметь товары в наличии/в запасеwas added by irina-ni and appears on 2 lists
- to hold goods in stock - держать товары на складеwas added by irina-ni and appears on 3 lists
- at most - самое большееwas added by irina-ni and appears on 2 lists
- to treat depreciation - подсчитывать/рассчитывать амортизациюwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- no further cash outlay - не расходовать наличностьwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- purchase price - цена покупкиwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- to lease office space - арендовать помещение под офисwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- healthy cash inflow - значительный приток наличностиwas added by irina-ni and appears on 2 lists
- poor cash flow - поток наличности держится на низком уровнеwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- after-tax profits - прибыль после уплаты налогаwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- buying advertising space - покупка места для рекламыwas added by irina-ni and appears on 2 lists
- to lease an office - арендовать офисwas added by irina-ni and appears on 5 lists
- to rent hours of labour - арендовать человеко-часы трудаwas added by irina-ni and appears on 5 lists
- to hire people - нанимать людейwas added by irina-ni and appears on 4 lists
- excess of revenues over costs - превышение дохода над издержкамиwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- to incur costs - понести расходыwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- solicitors fees for paperwork – плата адвокатам за оформление документовwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- borrowing - заимствованиеwas added by irina-ni and appears on 2 lists
- inventories - запасыwas added by irina-ni and appears on 2 lists
- cash outlay on production – денежные затраты на производствоwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- cash outflow/inflow – отток/приток денегwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- physical assets – физические активыwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- durable goods – товары долгосрочного использованияwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- physical capital – физический капиталwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- depreciation – износ, амортизацияwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- cash flow – денежный потокwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- actual receipts and payments – реальные поступления и платежиwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- outstanding bills – неоплаченные счетаwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- corporation tax – налог на прибыль корпорацииwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- net income before taxes – чистая прибыль до выплаты налоговwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- profit-and-loss account – отчет о доходах и расходахwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- income statement – отчет о доходахwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- a sound economic system - крепкая экономическая системаwas added by irina-ni and appears on 17 lists
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