A list of 98 words by jadore229.
- Charientism: an artfully veiled insultwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Autolatry: the worship of one's selfwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Autohagiographer: one who speaks or writes in a smug fashion about their own life and accomplishmentswas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Aeolist: a pompous windy bore who pretends to have inspirationwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Tarantism: an urge to overcome melancholy by dancingwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Strikhedonia: the pleasure of being able to say to hell with itwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Philosophunculist: one who pretends to know more than they do to impress otherswas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Gymnophoria: the sensation that someone is mentally undressing youwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Perfidy: breaching the faith or trust put in onewas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Perfervid: "very fervid" -- in other words glowingwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Peradventure: a synonym for perhapswas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Pease: porridge of uncertain temperaturewas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Pebble: a high-spirited, hard-to-control personwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Peach: to betray secrets or give away one's accompliceswas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Pawky: lively, bold, uninhibited, and somewhat impertinentwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Pantaraxia: any actions aimed at keeping people on their toeswas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Palinoia: the compulsive repetition of an act until it is perfectwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Orthorexia: an obsession with eating only "healthy" foodwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Orthography: correct or proper spellingwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Oniomania or emacity: an uncontrollable desire to buy thingswas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Oneiric: "pertaining to dreams"was added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Omnistrain: the stress of trying to cope with everything at once, i.e. the stresses of everyday lifewas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Omnium: the sum total of one's desires or valueswas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Oligoria: a disinterest in former friends or hobbieswas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Numptious: "cuddly and delightful"was added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Nous: intuitive intelligence and common sensewas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Nash-gab: an impertinent, gossiping personwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Mubblefubbles: depression for no reasonwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Metagnostic: "beyond human understanding"was added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Matutolagnia: an urge to have sex in the morningwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Maledicent: addicted to abusive speechwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Logophile: a dispute over or about wordswas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Logomachy: a dispute over or about wordswas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Logogue: a word expertwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Logofascinated: "fascinated by words"was added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Lacuna: "the hole in someone's learning"was added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Izzard: the name of the letter Zwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Impinguate: to fattenwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Imonderabilia: matters or things beyond comprehensionwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Idiopraxist: a person who puts ideas into practicewas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Flizzen: to laugh with the whole facewas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Flexitarian: one who eats vegetarian at home but who will eat meat or fish in a restaurant or as a guestwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Flexanimous: "mentally flexible" or "having the power to move affect or change others' minds"was added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Fidimplicitary: "fully trusting someone"was added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Februation: a religious purification or exorcismwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Fadoodle: a good synonym for nonsensewas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Facund: eloquentwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Factlet: a piece of triviawas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Ergophile: a person who loves to workwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Erenow: before this timewas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Epimyth: the moral of a storywas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Epeolatry: the worship of wordswas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Ensellure: the lumbar incurvation of a womanwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Empyrean: refers to the higest heavenwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Ectopia: the abnormal positioning of a body partwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Duologue: a lengthy conversation between two peoplewas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Doctress or doctrix: a female doctorwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Dinglefuzzie: another word for whoozit or whatisnamewas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Dewfall: the time of evening when dew begins to formwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Chasmophile: a lover and seeker of nooks and crannieswas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Cervisial: pertaining to beerwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Calenture: burning with passion or zealwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Calcographer: a person who draws with crayonswas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Cagg: a solemn vow not to drink for a certain period of timewas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Caffeism: a very serious condition arising from the prolonged or excessive use of beverages containing caffeinewas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Cacoepy: a word for incorrect pronunciationwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Cachexia: a chronically bad outlook or way of thinkingwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Butty: a slice of bread and butterwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Boodle: to practice briberywas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Bluestocking: refers to a female intellectualwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Autodidact: a self-taught personwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Asymptotically: getting closer but never quite meetingwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Astrut: openly showing pleasure about an accomplishmentwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Assot: to make an ass of oneself or someone elsewas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Aspheterism: synonym for communismwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Ascian: one who has no shadowwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Applicant: one who applies him/herself closely to his/her studieswas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Aposterioristic: based on knoweledge from experiencewas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Aprioristic: based on reasoning rather than experiencewas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Apophasis: mentioning a subject by saying one is not going to mention itwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Altrigenderism: the stage at which one develops interest in the opposite sexwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Altercation: a heated exchange of words not a fightwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Altivolent: "flying high", as an eaglewas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Alpenglow: the rosy lighting of the setting or rising sun as seen on high mountainswas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Agathokakological: made of good and evilwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Aduntation: the union or combination into onewas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Acokoinonia: sex without passion or desirewas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Acephalist: someone who does not acknowledge a superiorwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Lagniappe: a special kind of giftwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Ingenue: a naive young womanwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Ineffable: inexpressablewas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Fetching: prettywas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Cynosure: a focal point of admirationwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Mondegreen: a slip of the earwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Serendipity: finding something nice while looking for something elsewas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Petrichor: the smell of earth after rainwas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Pastiche: an artwork combining materials from various sourceswas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
- Pyrrhic: successful with heavy losseswas added by jadore229 and appears on just this list
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