A list of 26 words by irina-ni.
- rock-bottom wage - предельно низкая заработная платаwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- evenly - равномерноwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- to distribute activities - распространять деятельностьwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- to some extent - в некоторой степениwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- to tail off - постепенно замедляться, угасать, убыватьwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- to mature - зреть, развиватьсяwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- a third-party supplier - сторонний поставщикwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- data management - управление даннымиwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- to entrust smth to smb - поручить что-то кому-либоwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- emerging markets - развивающиеся рынкиwas added by irina-ni and appears on 2 lists
- a clinching reason - окончательная причинаwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- global footprint - глобальная зона покрытияwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- to lose out - терпеть неудачуwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- to take heed of a far broader range of variables - принять во внимание гораздо более широкий спектр переменныхwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- to erode rapidly - постепенно разрушатьсяwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- the labour-cost arbitrage in services - арбитраж в оплате труда в секторе услугwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- to loom ever larger - становиться все более вероятнымwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- far-off places - отдаленные местаwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- the gap has narrowed substantially - разрыв значительно сократилсяwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- to offset gaps - компенсировать разницуwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- manufacturing pay has barely budged - оплата труда на производстве практически не измениласьwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- the latest twist - последний поворотwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- to wither away - "отмирать"was added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- facility - объект (предприятие)was added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
- a ribbon-cutting ceremony - церемония перерезания ленточкиwas added by irina-ni and appears on 3 lists
- local dignitary - местный чиновникwas added by irina-ni and appears on just this list
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