A list of 43 words by SattarovTimur.
- a prescription - предписаниеwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- payroll taxes -налоги на заработную платуwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- a retirement - пенсияwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- a stockmarket - фондовая биржаwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- an equity price - цена акцииwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- a pressure on smb - давление на кого-тоwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- a salutary growth - благотворный ростwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- a gridlock - заторwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- an Austerity - строгостьwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- a tangle of regional deals - множество сделокwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- a destination country - страна назначенияwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on 3 lists
- raw materials - сырьеwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- a loose policy - слабая политикаwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on 2 lists
- fortunes - состоянияwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- trade hub - торговый центрwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on 2 lists
- fuelling fears - нарастающие страхиwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- an engine of profitability - основная статья доходаwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- in terms of smth - говоря о чем-тоwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- a distinction between smth - различие мужду чем-тоwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- a proliferation of smth - увеличение чего-тоwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- an injunction against smb - запрет против чего-тоwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- a stash of smb - запас чего-тоwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- a pundit - экспертwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on 2 lists
- an impact on smth - влияние на что-тоwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- a slim chance - шаткий шансwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- the ruling - судебное решениеwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- a penchant for - склонность кwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- cash hoard -запасы наличностиwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- be at the helm - быть у руляwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- a rectangle - прямоугольникwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on 5 lists
- a litigation - тяжбаwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- a stash - притонwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- a repercussion -последствиеwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- a wag - взмахwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- a capture - захватwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- an incumbent - должностное лицоwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- a disaffection - расстройствоwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- a bonanza - золотое дноwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on 2 lists
- a crony -близкий другwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- an impact - влияниеwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on 3 lists
- a put-down - оскорбительный выпадwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- a merge - слияниеwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- a predecessor - предшественникwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on 9 lists
- a hiccup - отклонениеwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
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