A list of 56 words by nastyak.
- to skimp on - экономитьwas added by nastyak and appears on just this list
- to spur - поощрятьwas added by nastyak and appears on just this list
- to leverage - скорректировать, сбалансироватьwas added by nastyak and appears on just this list
- to generate more revenue - производить больше доходаwas added by nastyak and appears on just this list
- to fade away - исчезнутьwas added by nastyak and appears on just this list
- to be allotted for - быть выделенным дляwas added by nastyak and appears on just this list
- to drag down - ослабитьwas added by nastyak and appears on just this list
- back him up - поддержатьwas added by nastyak and appears on just this list
- to shore up - укреплятьwas added by nastyak and appears on just this list
- to bypass - обходитьwas added by nastyak and appears on just this list
- to offset smth - компенсироватьwas added by nastyak and appears on just this list
- to spin off - разделитьwas added by nastyak and appears on just this list
- to gut a company - распотрошить компаниюwas added by nastyak and appears on just this list
- to plummet - резко упастьwas added by nastyak and appears on just this list
- to be desperate for - отчаянно нуждаться вwas added by nastyak and appears on just this list
- offset any advantages - возместить любые преимуществаwas added by nastyak and appears on just this list
- to be ousted - быть выгнаннымwas added by nastyak and appears on just this list
- dragging HP out of this mess - перемещая HP из этого беспорядокаwas added by nastyak and appears on just this list
- to surpass smb - превзойти кого-тоwas added by nastyak and appears on just this list
- to call for - призыватьwas added by nastyak and appears on just this list
- to glue - связывать, быть завязаннымwas added by nastyak and appears on just this list
- to perceive - воспринимать кого-либоwas added by nastyak and appears on just this list
- to chip in - войти в долю, принять участние в работе/обсужденииwas added by nastyak and appears on just this list
- to fake a commitment - фальсифицировать обязательствоwas added by nastyak and appears on just this list
- to be obsessed with - быть одержимымwas added by nastyak and appears on 2 lists
- to come out on the top - возглавить список (рейтинг)was added by nastyak and appears on just this list
- to sneer at - насмехатьсяwas added by nastyak and appears on 4 lists
- to disdain - пренебрегатьwas added by nastyak and appears on just this list
- to be unsung/ to be underestimated - быть недооцененнымwas added by nastyak and appears on just this list
- to salivate - вызвать слюнотечениеwas added by nastyak and appears on just this list
- to make a beeline - обращаться напрямую к кому-тоwas added by nastyak and appears on 2 lists
- to impede smth/ to inhibit smth/ to hamper/to hinder - препятствовать чему-либоwas added by nastyak and appears on just this list
- to protect eyeswas added by nastyak and appears on just this list
- to shield eyes - заслонять/ защищать глазаwas added by nastyak and appears on 2 lists
- to fork up/ to fork outwas added by nastyak and appears on just this list
- to fork out money - раскошелитьсяwas added by nastyak and appears on 7 lists
- to foil/ to frustrate the progresswas added by nastyak and appears on just this list
- to thwart the progress - препятствовать прогрессуwas added by nastyak and appears on just this list
- to revamp smth/ to update/ to modernize smth - улучшать модернизироватьwas added by nastyak and appears on just this list
- to rip off property - украсть собственностьwas added by nastyak and appears on 2 lists
- to lob (to toss) lawsuits - углубляться в судебные процессыwas added by nastyak and appears on just this list
- to have repercussions - иметь плохие последствияwas added by nastyak and appears on 6 lists
- to award 1 billion in damages - присудить штраф в размере миллиарда за убыткиwas added by nastyak and appears on just this list
- to vindicate smb - оправдать кого-тоwas added by nastyak and appears on 3 lists
- to violate a law - нарушать законwas added by nastyak and appears on 3 lists
- to oppose a trend - противиться тенденцииwas added by nastyak and appears on just this list
- to buck a trendwas added by nastyak and appears on 2 lists
- to overrun a schedule - выбиться из графикаwas added by nastyak and appears on just this list
- to dish out lawsuits - углубляться в судебные процессыwas added by nastyak and appears on just this list
- to pledge to do smth - обещать что-то сделатьwas added by nastyak and appears on 3 lists
- to be lambasted for smth - подвергаться критике за что-тоwas added by nastyak and appears on 2 lists
- to deserve praise - заслужить похвалуwas added by nastyak and appears on 10 lists
- to break recordswas added by nastyak and appears on 5 lists
- to smash records - бить рекордыwas added by nastyak and appears on 6 lists
- to foster growth - способствовать ростуwas added by nastyak and appears on 23 lists
- to facilitate growthwas added by nastyak and appears on 3 lists
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