A list of 30 words by VovaK.
- to avoid burnout - избежать перегреваwas added by VovaK and appears on just this list
- to glue - закреплятьwas added by VovaK and appears on just this list
- to fake a commitment - сфальцифицировать обязательствоwas added by VovaK and appears on just this list
- to chip in - быть в долеwas added by VovaK and appears on just this list
- to come out on the top - возглавить рейтингwas added by VovaK and appears on just this list
- to be obsessed with - быть одержимымwas added by VovaK and appears on 2 lists
- to allocate sums - перераспределять деньгиwas added by VovaK and appears on just this list
- to sour - испортитьwas added by VovaK and appears on just this list
- to stifle a market - подавлять рынокwas added by VovaK and appears on just this list
- to imbed - внедритьwas added by VovaK and appears on just this list
- to be unsung/underestimated - недооцененнымwas added by VovaK and appears on just this list
- disdain - презиратьwas added by VovaK and appears on just this list
- to sneer at - насмехатьсяwas added by VovaK and appears on 4 lists
- to make a beeline - обращаться напрямую к кому-тоwas added by VovaK and appears on 2 lists
- to hamper/hinder - препятсвоватьwas added by VovaK and appears on just this list
- to impede/inhibit smth - препятствоватьwas added by VovaK and appears on just this list
- to thwart progress - препятствовать прогрессуwas added by VovaK and appears on just this list
- to fork out money - раскошелитьсяwas added by VovaK and appears on just this list
- to infridge law - нарушать законwas added by VovaK and appears on just this list
- to thwart - препятствоватьwas added by VovaK and appears on 3 lists
- to fork out money - раскошелитьсяwas added by VovaK and appears on 7 lists
- to haVE REPERCUSSIONS - плохие последсвияwas added by VovaK and appears on just this list
- to revamp/modrenize/update smth - улучшать модернизировать и тдwas added by VovaK and appears on just this list
- to ripp of property - украсть собственностьwas added by VovaK and appears on just this list
- to lob/dash/toss out lawsuits - углубляться в судебный процессwas added by VovaK and appears on just this list
- to have repercussions - иметь плохие последствияwas added by VovaK and appears on 6 lists
- to award one billion in damages - присудить штраф в размере миллиарда за убыткиwas added by VovaK and appears on just this list
- to vindicate smb - оправдать кого-тоwas added by VovaK and appears on 3 lists
- to violate a law - нарушать законwas added by VovaK and appears on 3 lists
- to buck a trend - противиться тенденцииwas added by VovaK and appears on 2 lists
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