A list of 105 words by Dorovskaya.
- to stimulatewas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to inducewas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to PROMPT smth - вызвать, причинитьwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to rollwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to overturnwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to UPEND smth - совершить переворот в чём-либо, перевернутьwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to describewas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to representwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to DEPICT smth - представлять что-либо, описыватьwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to skipwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to OMIT smth - пропустить что-либоwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to motivatewas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to SPARK - побуждать, вызыватьwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to usewas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to LEVERAGE - использовать для улучшенияwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to fallwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to TUMBLE - рушиться, падатьwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to EBB - угасатьwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to be involvedwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to be EMBROILED in smth - быть впутанным во что-либоwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to care ofwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to concern about smthwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to FRET ABOUT smth - беспокоиться о чём-либоwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to PRUNE smth - сокращать, уменьшать что-либоwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to dropwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to PLUNGE by some percent - снизиться на несколько процентовwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to GAUGE - оцениватьwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to ESCAPE from poverty trap - выбраться из ловушки бедностиwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to be below the poverty line - быть за чертой бедностиwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to put outwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on 2 lists
- to blow inwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to STORE and CRUNCH - для хранения и использованияwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to BLOW out - гасить, тушитьwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to gratifywas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to FLATTER - льститьwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to thinkwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to considerwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to RECKON - считать, полагатьwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to botherwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to worrywas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to SWEAT - волноватьсяwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to unscrewwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to FOLD BACK - загнуть, отвернутьwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to be ABSORBED by smth - быть поглощённымwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to begin againwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to START OVER - начать зановоwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to LAY OUT - тратить или инвестировать деньгиwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to transmitwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to PASS ON - передаватьwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to delaywas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to PUT OFF - откладыватьwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to cancelwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on 4 lists
- to CALL OFF - отменятьwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to submitwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to TURN IN - сдать (работу)was added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to disappointwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to LET DOWN - разочаровыватьwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to abandonwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to GIVE UP - бросать, отказыватьсяwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to continuewas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to GO ON - продолжатьwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to investigatewas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to LOOK INTO - исследоватьwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to outrunwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to outpacewas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to overcanwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to SURPASS - обогнатьwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to OVERTAKE - обогнатьwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- To KEEP PACE - идти в ногуwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to catch up withwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- To CATCH ON - угнатьсяwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- To LEAVE BEHIND - опережатьwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- To LAG BEHIND - отставатьwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to make redundant - ||-||-|| ( в рамках сокращения)was added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to lay off - ||-||-|| (из-за убытков)was added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to fire - ||-||-|| (грубое)was added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to sack - ||-||-|| (из-за производственных сложностей)was added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to DISMISS - уволить (из-за ошибок или плохой дисциплины)was added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to spill forthwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to flowwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on 2 lists
- to FLOW OUT - течь, вытекатьwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to disappearwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to decaywas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to FADE - исчезнуть, растворитьсяwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to be INCLINED to smth - быть склонным к чему-тоwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to CITE as an example - привести в примерwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- To fulfillwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to CARRY OUT - проводитьwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to BUCK the trend - противостоять тенденцииwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to CONVERGE - собрать вместе, объединитьwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to MERGE into - слиться, объединитьсяwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to DRAW TO A CLOSE - закончитьсяwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to DISH OUT LOWSUITS - часто подавать искиwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to PLEDGE to do smth - заверять в чём-то, обещатьwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to be criticizedwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to be LAMBASTED for smth - критиковать за что-тоwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to DESERVE praise for smth - заслуживать похвалуwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to be LAMBASTED for smthwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to managewas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to HANDLE smth - справиться с чем-тоwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to break recordswas added by Dorovskaya and appears on 5 lists
- to SMASH records - побить рекордыwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
- to promotewas added by Dorovskaya and appears on 27 lists
- to bolsterwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on 26 lists
- to facilitatewas added by Dorovskaya and appears on 29 lists
- to foster growth -способствовать ростуwas added by Dorovskaya and appears on just this list
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