A list of 67 words by SattarovTimur.
- to revitalise lagging economies - оживлять отстающие экономические системыwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to enrich smb - обогатить кого-тоwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to cease expansionary actions - прекратить экспансионистские действияwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to speed up recovery - ускорять восстановлениеwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to drop from 3% to 1 % - понизиться с 3 до 1%was added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to leverage smth - усиливать что-тоwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to sell off smth- распродать что-тоwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to reinforced by smth - крепленный чем-тоwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to drag on trade - замедлять торговлюwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to be abundant - быть в изобилииwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on 2 lists
- it amounts to 5% -превышает 5%was added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- it approaches 5% - приближается к 5%was added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to account for 36% - составлять 36%was added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to undershoot forecasts - промахнуться с прогнозамиwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to weaken smth - ослабить что-тоwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to restore profitability - восстановить рентабельностьwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on 3 lists
- to generate profit - приносить прибыльwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to flatter smb - льстить кому-тоwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to boost revenues - увеличивать доходыwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on 2 lists
- to earn returns - заработать доходwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on 3 lists
- to earn returns - заработать доходwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on 3 lists
- to earn returns - заработать доходwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on 3 lists
- to expand smth - расширятьwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to queue up - стоять в очередиwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to cause palms to sweat - нервничатьwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to fold back into smth -вернутьсяwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to level out - уравнятьwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to come up with smth- выступать с чем-тоwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to be contingent upon - зависеть отwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on 2 lists
- to stay flat - быть на одном уровнеwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on 2 lists
- to pass a bill - принять законwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on 2 lists
- to shape policy - формировать политикуwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to seize on the ruling - воспользоваться суд. решенеиемwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to outweigh costs - перевесить затратыwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to hail smth - одобрять что-тоwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to stir up debates - вызвать дебатыwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to seek to do smth - пытаться что-то сделатьwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on 2 lists
- to launch smth - запустить что-тоwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to step up efforts - увеличить усилияwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on 3 lists
- to be bound to do smth - быть обязанным что-то сделатьwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to boast of smth - хвастаться чем-тоwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to ship goods - поставлять товарыwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on 3 lists
- to hinder progresswas added by SattarovTimur and appears on 2 lists
- to hamper progresswas added by SattarovTimur and appears on 2 lists
- to inhibit progresswas added by SattarovTimur and appears on 2 lists
- to impede progresswas added by SattarovTimur and appears on 2 lists
- to thwart progress - препятсвовать прогрессуwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to influence smthwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to impact smth - влиять на что-тоwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on 2 lists
- to be guilty of smth - быть виновным в чем-тоwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to infringe on smth - нарушать что-тоwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to uphold smb - поддержать кого-тоwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to revamp smth - модернизироватьwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on 2 lists
- to rip off property - красть собственностьwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to encourage smb to do smth - поощрять кого-тоwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to have repercussions - иметь последствияwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on 2 lists
- to award 1mln $ in damages - возместить 1млн убытковwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to vindicate smb- оправдать кого-тоwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to reffer to smth - ссылаться к чему-тоwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to oposse smth - противостоять чему-тоwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to suffer losses -терпеть убыткиwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to make progress - прогрессироватьwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on 3 lists
- to lambaste for - критиковатьwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on 2 lists
- to fork out -раскошелитьсяwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on just this list
- to facilitatewas added by SattarovTimur and appears on 29 lists
- TO FOSTER GROWTH - способствовать ростуwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on 3 lists
- to promotewas added by SattarovTimur and appears on 27 lists
- to bolsterwas added by SattarovTimur and appears on 26 lists
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