A list of 27 words by Lysova.ekaterina.
- detrimental - причиняющий ущербwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- a high return - высокая доходностьwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- to abolish - аннулировать,отменять,разрушать,уничтожатьwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- transparent - явный,очевидныйwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- a vested interest - закрепленное право,признанное право,право на получение пенсионного пособияwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- an incumbent - занимающий пост,должностьwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- funds - денежные средстваwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- to hire - нанимать, предоставлять работу,приглашать на работуwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- to jeopardize - подвергать опасности,рисковатьwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- a labour force - численность рабочих и служащих( на предприятии),трудовые ресурсыwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- to afford - быть в состоянииwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- a tertiary education - высшее образованиеwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on 2 lists
- to distort -искажать,коверкатьwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- a productivity - производительность,продуктивностьwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- in sync - синхронноwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- a take-home wage - чистая зп ( получаемая работниками на руки, начисленная зп за вычетом налогов,взносов на соц.страхование и др.выплат)was added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- a disaffection - недовольство,неудовлетворённостьwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- to increase - возрастать,увеличиватьсяwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- a bonanza - удача,процветание,приносящее доход предприятиеwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- tax savings - экономия на налогахwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- a low tax rate - низкая ставка процентаwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- tax advantages - налоговые преимуществаwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- to assume - допускать,предполагатьwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- a distinction - отличие,распознавание,разграничениеwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- a crone capitalism - клановый капитализмwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- a prosperity - преуспевание,процветаниеwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
- вернуть - отвоёвывать, возвращать себеwas added by Lysova.ekaterina and appears on just this list
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