Comments by thatsbaloneyman

  • As a town hall: "There was an astronomer, who had undertaken to place a sun-dial upon the great weathercock on the town-house, by adjusting the annual and diurnal motions of the earth and sun..." --- from Gulliver's Travels, by Jonathan Swift

    June 6, 2015

  • Don Quixote!!

    "Father and son again wondered at Don Quixote's interlarding of sense and nonsense, and at his mania for devoting himself heart and soul to the search for his adventures and misadventures..."

    - tr. John Rutherford, Part II, Ch. XVIII, last paragraph

    April 21, 2014

  • "I believe, an' please your honour, quoth the corporal, that if it had not been for the quantity of brandy we set fire to every night, and the claret and cinnamon with which I plyed your honour off; -----And the geneva, Trim, added my uncle Toby, which did us more good than all-----I verily believe, continued the corporal, we had both, an' please your honour, left our lives in the trenches, and been buried in them too." ---Tristram Shandy, Vol. V, Ch. XXXVII

    April 14, 2013

  • "Trim's casuistry and address, under the cover of his low bow, prevented all suspicion in my uncle Toby..." ---Tristram Shandy, Vol. IV, Ch. XVIII

    March 17, 2013

  • "Little boots it to the peace of a family, brother Toby, that you and I possess ourselves, and sit here silent and unmoved,-----whilst such a storm is whistling over our heads.-----" ---Tristram Shandy, Vol. IV, Ch. XVI

    March 16, 2013

  • "Of all the riddles of a married life, said my father, crossing the landing, in order to set his back against the wall, whilst he propounded it to my uncle Toby-----of all the puzzling riddles, said he, in a marriage state..." ---Tristram Shandy

    March 16, 2013

  • "Is not this ten times better than to set out dogmatically with a sententious parade of wisdom, and telling the world a story of a roasted horse..." ---Tristram Shandy

    March 16, 2013

  • "...I thought it meet to ease my conscience entirely before I lay'd down..." ---Tristram Shandy

    March 16, 2013

  • Tristram Shandy, Vol. IV, Ch. IX: "What a chapter of chances, said my father, turning himself about upon the first landing, as he and my uncle Toby were going down stairs-----what a long chapter of chances do the events of this world lay open to us! Take pen and ink in hand, brother Toby, and calculate it fairly-----I know no more of calculations than this balluster, said my uncle Toby, (striking short of it with his crutch, and hitting my father a desperate blow souse upon his shin bone)..." Baaahahahahaha! 18th century slapstick! YESSSS!!!!!

    March 16, 2013