Comments by weberyie


    (Si-now-s) Noun

    1. A disability when the common sense area of the brain fails and the person doesn’t act civilized. Syn: crazy, unwise, reckless, senseless, outlandish. The doctors couldn’t help the patient because Xynous has no cure.

    Origin: circa 2012 Modern English.

    Xy-nou-ian: Noun

    Xy-nous-ily: Adjective

    October 2, 2012


    (Si-now-s) Noun

    1. A disability when the common sense area of the brain fails and the person doesn’t act civilized. Syn: crazy, unwise, reckless, senseless, outlandish. The doctors couldn’t help the patient because Xynous has no cure.

    Origin: circa 2012 Modern English.

    Xy-nou-ian: Noun

    Xy-nous-ily: Adjective

    October 2, 2012