Connected with Facebook Connect?

As of August 2, 2013, Wordniks will no longer be able to log into the site using Facebook Connect.

Don't worry! All your user data—your favorite words, your lists and tags, and your comments—are safe! The only change is that you'll be logging in with a Wordnik-specific username and password, instead of with Facebook Connect.

If you signed up with Wordnik directly and then connected with Facebook, you can log in with your username and Wordnik password. (If you don't remember your Wordnik password, use our Forgot your password? form.)

If you signed up directly via Facebook Connect, or if you are unable to log in via the standard form for any reason, please email us with your Wordnik username and we'll manually convert your Wordnik account asap, and send you a link to choose a new Wordnik-specific password.