

from The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia

  • noun A small mortar for throwing grenades, light enough to be carried by a small number of men, usually four. Also spelled cohorn.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • noun A small bronze mortar mounted on a wooden block with handles, and light enough to be carried short distances by two men.


  • There were two coehorn mortars in the depression already referred to, and I suggested to him that he could serve them.

    History of Kershaw's Brigade

  • A shell from a coehorn burst prematurely, just as it left the mouth of the piece, and a fragment striking Prideaux on the head, killed him instantly.

    Montcalm and Wolfe


The word 'coehorn' comes from the name of its inventor, Menno, Baron Coehorn (1641-1704).