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  • This so-called Adelheid let the cat out of the bag right away.

    Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine 2003

  • "The Valley of the Bees" (" Ú dol í v č el," 1967) is another dreamlike medieval saga, but the claustrophobic "Adelheid" (1969), Mr. Vl á č il's first color film, follows a devastating postwar entanglement between a Czech man and a German woman in the Sudetenland.

    Reality Czech Kristin M. Jones 2011

  • '' 'Adelheid'''-a. 2,870-ton freighter built in 1903 at Flensburg, [[Germany]] - sought haven at

    Conservapedia - Recent changes [en] 2010

  • She is called Adelheid after her mother, who was my sister. "

    Heidi (Gift Edition) Johanna Spyri 1864

  • After a performance for their own family in 1890, he and his sister Adelheid must have sensed they were on to a winner, and expanded the piece.

    Hänsel und Gretel: Fatten kid. Cook. Then eat 2011

  • This may have been the figure before which Anne of Ramschwag and Adelheid Pfefferhartin prayed.

    Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany 2008

  • In St. Katharinenthal, Gerdrut of Horblingen was praying before a crucifix when Christ stretched out his right hand and placed it on her head. 46 In the choir of Weiler, Adelheid of Weiblingen saw our Lord hovering high above the altar.

    Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany 2008

  • At Weiler, Adelheid of Weiblingen, who is not identified as either a nun or a lay-sister (although the author does note that she was married for one year before she entered the cloister), had a sickness of her eyes, which did not allow her to learn to read. 37

    Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany 2008

  • The orgasm professor is talking rubbish "above a story in which an East German nurse named Adelheid said:" We really don't have more orgasms in the GDR.

    Sex and the city of Berlin 2010

  • She too was observed by another nun at her devotions, but, instead of becoming translucent, Adelheid levitated. 59 In the case of Anne of Ramschwag and Adelheid Pfefferhartin, the image they prayed before was one of the several Christus-Johannes-Gruppen figures known to have been possessed by St Katharinenthal in the fourteenth century. 60

    Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany 2008


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