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  • And let me tell you that we've only heard one official request from local officials, and that's in the northeast of Paris in an area called Amnion (ph), for a curfew as a result of these sweeping new laws, effectively a state of emergency in France at 12: 00 midnight tonight, an hour from now.

    CNN Transcript Nov 8, 2005 2005

  • In dogs the diagnosis is confirmed by a _microscopical examination_ of the vagus ganglia and that portion of the brain known as Amnion's horn, and the finding of Negri bodies in the nerve-cells.

    Common Diseases of Farm Animals R. A. Craig

  • After a terrifying encounter with the Amnion aliens, Nick Succorso made for the safety of Thanatos Minor, the infamous bootleg shipyard where illegals from all over the galaxy come to repair their ships (and indulge their exotic tastes in entertainment).

    Sci-Fi Book Releases for September (UK) Mark 2008

  • The ship Trumpet has come to an illegal lab, set to make the anti-mutagen that the galactic police (UMCP) have had but have suppressed from the rest of humanity for so long, keeping the alien threat of the Amnion alive for profit.

    Dusk Before the Dawn » 2008 » June 2008

  • As the conflict between humankind and the Amnion heads for crisis, Morn Hyland, the cyborg Angus Thermopyle and the survivors on board the crippled starship Trumpet must return from deep space to Earth.

    Sci-Fi Book Releases for September (UK) Mark 2008

  • Soar (captained by Sorus) turned against the Amnion and Calm Horizons destroyed them (after Sorus had already shot and killed Nick, one of our main three players on Trumpet).

    Dusk Before the Dawn » 2008 » June 2008

  • But the Amnion are waiting, and for Nick, Morn Hyland and her force-grown son Davies, the safe haven has turned into a vision of hell.

    Sci-Fi Book Releases for September (UK) Mark 2008

  • At the end of book 4, Morn and company aboard Trumpet had escaped the Amnion defensive battle cruiser Calm Horizons, the mercenary Free Lunch and Sorus by launching a singularity grenade (re: black hole in a box) that Angus detonated while attached to the outside of Trumpet.

    Dusk Before the Dawn » 2008 » June 2008

  • But the Amnion react with swift fury, and suddenly Earth is threatened with fiery destruction ...

    Sci-Fi Book Releases for September (UK) Mark 2008

  • The series, which sees disparate factions of cops and criminals caught up in political turmoil on Earth and the threat posed by the alien Amnion, features space battles, intrigue and fascinating but rarely very nice characters in an inhospitable environment.

    Crossing the Gap Adam Whitehead 2008


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