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  • Michael J. Begier is a mild-mannered government official who loves his job.

    Bird hit man loves his human-life-saving job Ed O 2010

  • But at airports, Begier said, "there is zero tolerance."

    Bird hit man loves his human-life-saving job Ed O 2010

  • Since January 2009, when U.S. Airways Flight 1549 struck some Canada geese and caused the high-profile "Miracle on the Hudson" landing, Begier has been very busy.

    Bird hit man loves his human-life-saving job Ed O 2010

  • "We're the federal office people turn to when there is a wildlife situation," said Begier, as pigeons circled a hot-dog stand outside his Independence Avenue SW office.

    Bird hit man loves his human-life-saving job Ed O 2010

  • • Bird hit man Michael J. Begier loves his human-life-saving job: Michael J. Begier wildlife biologist is the government's point man for drafting and executing policies to eradicate avian threats from the friendly skies.

    What if the Postal Service runs out of money? Ed O 2010

  • Publication in 1790 of Faust, ein Fragment — some - what less than half the text of Part I — established the preeminence of Goethe's poem, which the speculative philosopher F.W. von Schelling immediately hailed as Germany's “characteristic poetic work,” as an ex - pression of the ambivalent feelings arising from a peculiarly German Begier nach Erkenntnis der Dinge

    Dictionary of the History of Ideas STUART ATKINS 1968

  • Ein echtes Chaos voll dunkler Begier und wunderbarem

    Spiritual Reformers in the 16th & 17th Centuries Rufus Matthew Jones 1905

  • Begier also mentions the importance of arriving early to class. Top Stories 2010

  • "With the way gas prices have been lately, and a little bit higher than normal, it's really convenient for a day trip here to Casa Larga versus driving all the way down to the Finger Lakes," Begier said.

    RNews - TOP STORIES 2008

  • Begier makes it happen even if she's feeling the financial pinch.

    RNews - TOP STORIES 2008


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