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  • The pastries like Bienenstich, chocolate mousse cake or Schmidt’s Jumbo Cream Puffs were to die for though!

    Oktoberfest! « Musings from an overworked translator 2008

  • Trudi was one of two women who sat by themselves—the other tables were occupied by couples or families—but the man’s eyes kept shifting past her as if she were not there, returning to a heavy, dark-haired woman who was devouring a piece of Bienenstich, scooping out the custard filling and spreading it on top of the glazed almond topping.

    Stones from the River Ursula Hegi 1994

  • As the heavy woman who’d eaten the Bienenstich walked out of the restaurant, Trudi felt oddly abandoned.

    Stones from the River Ursula Hegi 1994

  • While Trudi would set out her mother’s flowered cups, saucers, and pastry plates on the freshly ironed tablecloth, Leo would walk to the bakery near the Protestant church—humoring Trudi’s boycott of Hansen’s bakery though she’d never told him her reasons—and buy Bienenstich or Schnecken for his daughter and her new friend.

    Stones from the River Ursula Hegi 1994

  • Trudi was one of two women who sat by themselves—the other tables were occupied by couples or families—but the man’s eyes kept shifting past her as if she were not there, returning to a heavy, dark-haired woman who was devouring a piece of Bienenstich, scooping out the custard filling and spreading it on top of the glazed almond topping.

    Stones from the River Ursula Hegi 1994

  • While Trudi would set out her mother’s flowered cups, saucers, and pastry plates on the freshly ironed tablecloth, Leo would walk to the bakery near the Protestant church—humoring Trudi’s boycott of Hansen’s bakery though she’d never told him her reasons—and buy Bienenstich or Schnecken for his daughter and her new friend.

    Stones from the River Ursula Hegi 1994

  • Trudi was one of two women who sat by themselves—the other tables were occupied by couples or families—but the man’s eyes kept shifting past her as if she were not there, returning to a heavy, dark-haired woman who was devouring a piece of Bienenstich, scooping out the custard filling and spreading it on top of the glazed almond topping.

    Stones from the River Ursula Hegi 1994

  • As the heavy woman who’d eaten the Bienenstich walked out of the restaurant, Trudi felt oddly abandoned.

    Stones from the River Ursula Hegi 1994

  • As the heavy woman who’d eaten the Bienenstich walked out of the restaurant, Trudi felt oddly abandoned.

    Stones from the River Ursula Hegi 1994

  • While Trudi would set out her mother’s flowered cups, saucers, and pastry plates on the freshly ironed tablecloth, Leo would walk to the bakery near the Protestant church—humoring Trudi’s boycott of Hansen’s bakery though she’d never told him her reasons—and buy Bienenstich or Schnecken for his daughter and her new friend.

    Stones from the River Ursula Hegi 1994


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