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  • Greinke wore Sunday's special jersey with Bierbrauer across the front of the jersey.

    The Seattle Times 2011

  • Michael-jon Pease had no sooner announced that actor Dieter Bierbrauer would not appear in last Friday's opening performance of "Ragtime: The Musical" when a stagehand walked onstage and whispered in Pease's ear. 2012

  • With impeccably dramatic flair, the 7 pound, 7 ounce lad arrived and Bierbrauer was in Saturday's performance. 2012

  • Bierbrauer had missed Thursday's preview on a false alarm, and then returned to the hospital Friday just in the nick of time with his wife, Anna. 2012

  • Lindsay Bierbrauer and Nick Stipinovich were married June 7, 2008.

    Style Me Pretty : The Ultimate Wedding Blog 2009

  • Friend Steve Reynolds said he went to visit Bierbrauer the day after he came home from surgery to have the malignant tumors removed from his face.

    unknown title 2008

  • Bierbrauer spent five days at Physicians Regional Medical Center following a surgery Oct. 15 and will begin radiation treatment Wednesday to attack the rare form of lymph node cancer that likely began attacking his body at least one year ago.

    unknown title 2008

  • There are several fundraisers planned to help Bierbrauer as he battles cancer without medical insurance and unable to work for at least several weeks.

    unknown title 2008

  • Bierbrauer is recovering from surgery for lymphoma.

    unknown title 2008

  • Bierbrauer is a professional golfer who taught children to play the game at Marco Island Charter Middle School for several years and who up until his surgery worked at Lely Golf Club.

    unknown title 2008


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