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  • Well I'm standing in front of what they call the Capitolio, the Capitol Building here.

    CNN Transcript May 16, 2002 2002

  • 62 Tibur nunc suburbanum, et aestivae Praeneste deliciae, nuncupatia in Capitolio votis petebantur.

    The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire 1206

  • Wouldn't it be grand if we could SMS from the Capitolio in Havana to the Capitol in DC and actually understand one another for once in a lifetime?

    Margarita Alarcon: Communication Breakdown 2010

  • Outside the Capitolio there was a fleet of bicycles carting birthday cakes around town.

    The Nervous Breakdown 2009

  • Dollar portrait photographers with their 100 year old cameras are packing up across the street at the front steps of the Capitolio.

    The Nervous Breakdown 2009

  • Anibal Acevedo Vila, with his wife Luisa Gandara, waved before delivering the annual State of the Territory speech on Jan. 6 at the Capitolio in San Juan.

    Puerto Rico's Leader Is 2008

  • This did not stop one of the main student leaders, Goicochea, to remind the country that the National Assembly is not representative of the country, while he was walking out of the Capitolio.

    The Students leave the National Assembly 2007

  • Neither could we get back on the highway Plaza Venezuela and thus for the first time in years I took the Avenida Universidad from Bellas Artes to Capitolio AT NIGHT.

    Caracas to Calcutta 2006

  • Neither could we get back on the highway Plaza Venezuela and thus for the first time in years I took the Avenida Universidad from Bellas Artes to Capitolio AT NIGHT.

    04/30/2006 - 05/07/2006 2006

  • We ended up at the Capitolio, a smaller, more intricate copy of the US Capitol building.

    Archive 2006-07-01 mike247worldwide 2006


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