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  • Antonio or stone of Goa, [2] severall pieces of Silk stript with silver and gold, Cloth of Silver, about a Bushell of Cloves and Nutmegs mixed together and strawed up and down, severall books of fine white callicoes, severall pieces of fine Muzlins, severall pieces more of flowred silk, he does not well remmember what further was in it. he had an Invoyce thereof in his other chest. all that was contained in the said Chest was bought by him and some given him at Madagascar, nothing thereof was taken in the ship _Quedah Merchant_. he esteemed it to be of greater value than all else that he left at Gardiners

    Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period Illustrative Documents 1898

  • What it is: "44 Inch Chest" is the latest profane British crime film from the writers of "Sexy Beast."

    Check Out ‘Fish Tank,’ ‘The Last Station’ And ‘44 Inch Chest’ In This Week’s unLimited » MTV Movies Blog 2010

  • You can buy There Is A Moth In Your Chest from the band, via CD Baby, or grab one from them on their tour - which is what they're doing all month long, with local-area dates in the mid-west first, then they'll be out on the east coast for a number of dates in New York City, so you should try to see them if they come thru your town.

    Music (For Robots): May 2006 Archives 2006

  • The official site for Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest is online and is so interactive, much better than the usual marketing sites we see for movies.

    Filmstalker: May 2006 Archives 2006

  • I still think Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest is going to be the big one.

    Filmstalker: Superman Returns not so good? 2006

  • The official site for Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest is online and is so interactive, much better than the usual marketing sites we see for movies.

    Filmstalker: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest site online 2006

  • You can buy There Is A Moth In Your Chest from the band, via CD Baby, or grab one from them on their tour - which is what they're doing all month long, with local-area dates in the mid-west first, then they'll be out on the east coast for a number of dates in New York City, so you should try to see them if they come thru your town.

    Great Lake Music (Music (For Robots)) 2006

  • Dead Man's Chest is the equivalent of the first half of any other movie.

    Filmstalker Review: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest 2006

  • In "The Color Shrain" (the title is a reference to a color that cannot be seen by any other creature than a Tikkihoto alien), Fritz Specola has the ability to make things disappear by a mere thought into the "Chest" - a space inside himself (a parallel universe?).

    REVIEW: Voices From Punktown by Jeffrey Thomas 2010

  • In "The Color Shrain" (the title is a reference to a color that cannot be seen by any other creature than a Tikkihoto alien), Fritz Specola has the ability to make things disappear by a mere thought into the "Chest" - a space inside himself (a parallel universe?).

    SF Signal 2010


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