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  • From Julie: The idea for this fundraiser came to me only days after my husband and I submitted our Letter of Intent to adopt a little girl waiting for us in the Chuzhou Social Welfare Institute in the Anhui Province of China.


  • The Company plans to utilize a portion of the RMB 1 billion credit facility which was a commitment included in the key agreement signed with the Fengyang County Government and the Chuzhou City Government in June 2011 as required.

    unknown title 2011

  • GLG and its AN0C joint venture business entered into a milestone agreement with the Fengyang County Government with the support of the Chuzhou City Government of Anhui province in China that strengthens its consumer products business.

    unknown title 2011

  • The Fengyang government and the Chuzhou City Government also agreed to proactively assist AN0C in obtaining a RMB one billion credit facility with interest rates discounted from market rates from China financial institutions.

    unknown title 2011

  • The event was well-attended, with key government officials from Fengyang County, Chuzhou City, and Xiaogang Village, as well as many domestic media providing national coverage.

    unknown title 2011

  • GLG and AN0C has worked closely with the Chuzhou City Government and the Fengyang County Government to develop the AN0C business, which has become a role model for how a rural agriculturally based economy can build a value added industry around an agriculture crop, like stevia.

    unknown title 2011

  • GLG and AN0C have worked closely with the Chuzhou City Government and the Fengyang County Government to develop the AN0C business, which creates value for local farmers as well as higher paying regional factory jobs and other work opportunities.

    unknown title 2011

  • The Company plans to utilize a portion of the RMB 1 billion credit facility which was a commitment included in the key agreement signed with the Fengyang County Government and the Chuzhou City Government in June 2011 as required.

    unknown title 2011

  • Muchsee enters the China market with Hongkong Muchsee Group for the development of global strategy, Muchsee Wood factory is located in Chuzhou city of China. - Articles related to The angry housewives setting Kashmir ablaze 2010

  • Muchsee enters the China market with Hongkong Muchsee Group for the development of global strategy, Muchsee Wood factory is located in Chuzhou city of - Articles related to The angry housewives setting Kashmir ablaze 2010


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