
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • proper noun A taxonomic genus within the family Cotingidae.


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  • 49 26 Parrakeets; _Touit batavica_ (Bodd.) 52 3 Purple-throated Cotinga; _Cotinga cayana_ (Linné) 53 15 Dark-breasted Mourner; _Lipaugus simplex_ Licht.

    Edge of the Jungle William Beebe 1919

  • Against the strong objection from her brother, Moore also submitted the name TURCOTINGA, which was a play on the Cotinga (a South American bird) and the color turquoise.

    SeeLight: 2007

  • Against the strong objection from her brother, Moore also submitted the name TURCOTINGA, which was a play on the Cotinga (a South American bird) and the color turquoise.

    Teh Awesome! Marianne Moore and Edsel 2007

  • (Cab. and Hein.) 37 2 Monarch; _Anosia plexippus_ (Linné) 38 7 Red-breasted Blue Chatterer; _Cotinga cotinga_ Linné

    Edge of the Jungle William Beebe 1919

  • You, who think my similes are overdone, search out in the nearest museum the dustiest of purple-throated cotingas, -- _Cotinga cayana, _ -- and then, instead, berate me for inadequacy.

    Edge of the Jungle William Beebe 1919

  • Porphyrolaema porphyrolaema, Purple-throated Cotinga

    BIRDS ETCETERA John L. Trapp 2010


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