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  • I´ve also some “Delikatessen” on USHNC and Nasa-Giss…

    Steve interviewed on BBC Radio 4 "Today" programme « Climate Audit 2007

  • But there is nearly always something from the nearest _Delikatessen_ shop with it, -- slices of ham or tongue, or slices of one or two of the various sausages of

    Home Life in Germany Alfred Sidgwick 1894

  • In a land where all the big hotels fill once a day and empty once a day, and where the meals are in heavy-handed imitation of bourgeois French cookery, that old man with his stews and roasts, and pickles, veal, and pork, sausages big and sausages small, strange cheeses, and Delikatessen of all kinds was a good man to meet.

    The Gourmet's Guide to Europe Algernon Bastard 1885

  • The German Delikatessen, which form the "snacks" a Teuton eats at any time to encourage his thirst, are excellent; and the smoked sprats, and smoked and soused herrings, the various sausages and innumerable pickles, are the best edible products of the Fatherland.

    The Gourmet's Guide to Europe Algernon Bastard 1885

  • a considerable selection of Delikatessen, such as oysters, caviar, fresh truffles, peaches, etc., all of which are kept in good qualities.

    The Gourmet's Guide to Europe Algernon Bastard 1885


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