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  • Five million roubles were paid for the wonderful _Denkmal_ to be erected at the Kremlin in Moscow as a memorial of Alexander the Second.

    Through Finland in Carts

  • Scarcely a hamlet is so small that it does not possess its Bismarck _Denkmal_, often situated upon some commanding hill, telling to each generation, in the sublime poetry of form, the greatness of the man who made German unity a reality instead of a dream.

    Craftsmanship in Teaching William Chandler Bagley 1910

  • Sibylle Bergemann, from the series Das Denkmal (A Monument), 1975-1986, festival in Eindhoven, a couple of days washing dirty clothes, queuing all over the city and catching up with work at home, i'm back on the road again and will probably disappear for half a week unless i manage to extract myself from the 'evening entertainment' that - rumour has it - will be forced upon me these coming days.

    we make money not art 2009

  • Steinhausen, H.: P. Gerhardt u. sein Denkmal, in Kunstwart 161, pp. Trepte, E.W. H.: Paul Gerhardt: Eine biographische Skizze.

    Paul Gerhardt as a Hymn Writer and his Influence on English Hymnody 1976

  • In any language, Denkmal 11 is over-thought and under-felt: De Cock’s mold is hollow.

    Denkmal – Jan De Cock 2008

  • In any language, Denkmal 11 is over-thought and under-felt: De Cock’s mold is hollow.

    Vitro Nasu » 2008 » February 2008

  • 249-261; Brühl, Joseph von Görres, ein Denkmal aus seinen Schriften auferbaut (Aachen, 1854); Heinrich, Jos. von Görres, Ein Lebensbild

    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI 1840-1916 1913


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