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  • Apostles, and deliuered to their successors, and comming dovvne from one Bishop to an other, is called the Depositum, as it vvere a thing laid into their hands, and committed vnto them to keepe.

    The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Complete Anonymous

  • A special kind of assent, that is to say, the _assent of Divine Faith_ must be given to all those doctrines which are proposed to us by the infallible voice of the Church, as taught by Our Lord or the Apostles, and as contained in the original deposit [_fidei Depositum_].

    The Purpose of the Papacy 1889

  • It claims to decide magisterially, whether as within its own province or not, that such and such statements are or are not prejudicial to the _Depositum_ of faith, in their spirit or in their consequences, and to allow them, or condemn and forbid them, accordingly.

    Apologia Pro Vita Sua John Henry Newman 1845

  • Thus, in illustration, it does not extend to statements, however sound and evident, which are mere logical conclusions from the articles of the apostolic _Depositum_; again, it can pronounce nothing about the persons of heretics, whose works fall within its legitimate province.

    Apologia pro Vita Sua John Henry Newman 1845

  • I am very far more sure that England is in schism, than that the Roman additions to the Primitive Creed may not be developments, arising out of a keen and vivid realizing of the Divine Depositum of

    Apologia Pro Vita Sua John Henry Newman 1845

  • The Credit, of those Banks, is the universal Consent or Acceptance of the whole trading World, an adequate Depositum in Silver, and Agioabove the current Price of Silver: Our Bills have only a small local Provincial Consent, no Depositum, many per.

    Postscript, To a Discourse concerning the Currencies of the British Plantations in America 1740

  • How is it possible to imagine that this perishable Consent, should be better than Silver, an adequate Depositum which abides for ever?

    Postscript, To a Discourse concerning the Currencies of the British Plantations in America 1740

  • A Depositum of Silver, Land Security, Government Security, are proper collateral or additional Securities; but we know of no Bank without an adequate Depositum of Silver, if they negociate on Transfers; or Silver sufficient to answer all their Cash Notes upon Demand, if they deal in Cash Notes.

    Postscript, To a Discourse concerning the Currencies of the British Plantations in America 1740

  • The "permanent" features of the social doctrine of the Church also stem from apostolic tradition as an essential component of the Depositum fidei and as a point of observation - or 'theological place' as theologians say - to look upon the world and history.

    Whispers in the Loggia 2009

  • Said one of them: "Considering the great Depositum committed to us, I do not see how we can account to our great Lord and Master, if we neglect such an opportunity of promoting His truth and enlarging the borders of His Church.

    Report of Commemorative Services with the Sermons and Addresses at the Seabury Centenary, 1883-1885. Diocese Of Connecticut


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