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  • Rick's Reef the ticket -- maybe Diskant on TV I drove over, wolfed bar pretzels.

    White Jazz Ellroy, James, 1948- 1992

  • Diskant, stressing his credentials as a civil liberties lawyer, sought to portray Bethune as a pawn of the Los Angeles political establishment, his chief focus the Chavez Ravine issue.

    White Jazz Ellroy, James, 1948- 1992

  • Diskant pressed that issue, along with what he called "collateral matters": the allegedly overzealous enforcement measures of the Los Angeles Police Department and the "Gas Chamber Happy" Los Angeles District Attorney's Office.

    White Jazz Ellroy, James, 1948- 1992

  • Diskant cited "personal reasons" as his motive for withdrawing; he did not elaborate further.

    White Jazz Ellroy, James, 1948- 1992

  • Logic: he destroyed the coroner's file; I could rat him for a piece of Diskant.

    White Jazz Ellroy, James, 1948- 1992

  • Last week, Diskant dropped out of the race, just as straw polls began to show him pulling ahead of his incumbent opponent.

    White Jazz Ellroy, James, 1948- 1992

  • Diskant -- tailed and overheard: drinks at Ollie Hammond's Steakhouse, 6: 00 P.M. The bait stood ready: _our_ Commie consort.

    White Jazz Ellroy, James, 1948- 1992

  • Diskant and La Verne floor-tumbling -- naked, flailing, gouging.

    White Jazz Ellroy, James, 1948- 1992

  • Diskant is no less remarkable for how it seems to use light to carve images out of the shadows.

    Home Theater Forum 2010

  • Diskant, and terrific performances from the two young leads: Cathy O'Donnell and Farley Granger.

    AvaxHome RSS: stillafool 2009


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