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  • From there, I walked straight to the A-F completion desk person, stated "Edelmann" correctly, on the first try I would like to add, and walked a few more feet to the ballot collection box, and dropped mine in.

    Planet Sun 2008

  • Swedish painter Yrjö Edelmann possesses a painterly dexterity virtually unrivaled by his contemporary peers.

    ArtScene: December Shows to Catch Before They Close ArtScene 2010

  • From The uniqueness of biological self-organization: challenging the Darwinian paradigm by J.B. Edelmann and M.J. Denton.

    2008 September - Telic Thoughts 2008

  • The recent "untruths" about biofuels are brought to us by the American Petroleum Institute (API), which has given the New York based public relations agency Edelmann the mandate to "better America's perception of petroleum fuels," and the Grocery Marketer's Association of America (GMA), which, according to Iowa Senator Grassley's web site, has also initiated a smear campaign against biofuels.

    Josh Tickell: "Food vs. Fuel," A False Debate 2008

  • I'd like to make a tenuous link to this entertaining story too: a PR guy who works for Edelmann happened to mention on his Twitter page that he throws his free copy of PC Magazine in the bin.

    Archive 2007-04-01 Phil Whitehouse 2007

  • I'd like to make a tenuous link to this entertaining story too: a PR guy who works for Edelmann happened to mention on his Twitter page that he throws his free copy of PC Magazine in the bin.

    It's a Scoop! Phil Whitehouse 2007

  • One constructor who furnished much to this part of the exhibition was Mr.Th. Edelmann of

    Scientific American Supplement, No. 421, January 26, 1884 Various

  • The Hebrew text was printed by Edelmann, and also by

    The Book of Delight and Other Papers Israel Abrahams 1891

  • Ich bin ein Edelmann -- Lasz doch sehen, ob mein Adelbrief älter ist als der Risz zum unendlichen Weltall; oder mein Wappen gültiger ist als die Handschrift des Himmels in Louisens Augen: Dieses Weib ist für diesen Mann.

    The Life and Works of Friedrich Schiller Calvin Thomas 1886

  • German gentleman -- the old-fashioned Edelmann -- will readily understand how directly he feels himself injured by the disgrace of a relative even very distantly removed.

    Greifenstein 1881


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