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  • Egel would have it all: the Armour, the army and the nation.

    Waylander Gemmell, David 1986

  • If Egel has not yet raised an army,/it will matter not at all. '

    Waylander Gemmell, David 1986

  • It is said they have put a price of 10,000 gold pieces on your head - almost as much as they've offered for Egel himself. '

    Waylander Gemmell, David 1986

  • 'Egel has four thousand men and they are short of equipment, food and medicines; the people of Skarta are going hungry to supply them.

    Waylander Gemmell, David 1986

  • Egel had sent them out to find supplies to feed his beleaguered force, and so far they had been riding for three days without success.

    Waylander Gemmell, David 1986

  • If I stay here I'll draw them to me like a beacon, which will give you a chance to get the Armour to Egel.

    Waylander Gemmell, David 1986

  • You know it is two hundred miles to the Delnoch range where Egel trains his army? '

    Waylander Gemmell, David 1986

  • Danyal, with the gold Egel gave her for returning the Armour, bought a house in Skarta where she lived with Krylla and Minel.

    Waylander Gemmell, David 1986

  • On the other hand were they to attack the towns Egel would be left with an army intact, but no one to defend.

    Waylander Gemmell, David 1986

  • But with it Egel can open trade links even with the Nadir. '

    Waylander Gemmell, David 1986


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