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  • After publishing in 1995 a selection of earlier, but also several new poems, titled X-te Person Einzahl (Nth-Person Singular), he broke his resolution with Endogene Gedichte (Endogenous Poems), where he writes: I made a mistake in 1989.

    Gerhard Falkner greenintegerblog 2008

  • BOOKS OF POETRY so beginnen am köper die tage (Darmstadt/Neuwied: Luchterhand, 1981); der atem unter der erde (Darmstadt/Neuwied: Luchterhand, 1984); wemut (Darmstaadt/Neuwied: Luchterhand, 1991); seventeen selected poems (Berlin: Galrev, 1994); X-te Person Einzahl.

    Gerhard Falkner greenintegerblog 2008


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