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  • There is a new post-office that takes in Number 7, where one may post mail and send telegrams and use the Fernsprecher — which is to say the telephone — and be politely treated by uniformed officials, who have all heard of Mark Twain, but have no knowledge of his former occupation of their premises.

    Mark Twain: A Biography 2003

  • Fernsprecher -- which is to say the telephone -- and be politely treated by uniformed officials, who have all heard of Mark Twain, but have no knowledge of his former occupation of their premises.

    Mark Twain, a Biography. Complete Albert Bigelow Paine 1899

  • Fernsprecher -- which is to say the telephone -- and be politely treated by uniformed officials, who have all heard of Mark Twain, but have no knowledge of his former occupation of their premises.

    Mark Twain, a Biography — Volume II, Part 2: 1886-1900 Albert Bigelow Paine 1899


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